She couldn’t face him right now.
What would she tell the cops anyway? How much of the truth?
Nia wasn’t sure.
Usually, in her business dealings, she was so sure ofherself. She knew what she wanted and went after it. She was decisive, a trait her employees appreciated.
But right now, nothing felt certain.
And she hated it.
Nia paused across the street from the apartment building and glanced up.
She shivered as she remembered waking up and seeing the blood on her hands. Seeing Rob on the floor with blood pooling around him.
Then she remembered coming back later and seeing that man with a tattoo inside Rob’s apartment.
She remembered the picture she’d received. There was more to come. She was sure of it. Whoever had killed Rob was smart and methodical.
He wouldn’t stop with just a picture.
More than anything, all she wanted to do was run and hide.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option.
Nia didn’t seemlike a killer. Gage wanted to deny that fact, but he couldn’t.
Still, he needed to remind himself that the woman was smart and calculated. It was the only way she could have risen to the top of her career as she had. Being soft and passive wouldn’t have gotten her there.
But just how far would she go to get what she wanted?
With Rob out of the way, maybe she thought she could somehow keep more money from the project. Gage wasn’t sure how that would work.
But beneath Nia’s sweet exterior, she could be cunning and cold.
Gage needed to keep that in mind.
What he needed to forget about was how Nia smelled like lilacs and how her skin was as soft as rose petals beneath his fingers.
Gage had seen her glancing ather phone as if she needed directions to Rob’s place. But the action didn’t match her steps. She clearly knew where she was going.
She may be brilliant, but she wasn’t exactly an actress.
He hoped that would work to his advantage.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” she murmured beside him as they waited at another crosswalk.
He squeezed her elbow reassuringly. “Anyone in your shoes would be.”
So would anyone who’d murdered someone and was about to face the police. Gage kept that thought quiet. Every action and reaction needed to be purposeful.
The light turned, and the walk signal lit up. As they started to cross the street, Nia glanced at her phone. Her face went pale.
What was that about?