Gage tried to peer at her screen, but she had privacy mode on. He couldn’t see what was there.
Just as they were about to step back onto the curb by the front doors of Rob’s building, a car engine revved nearby.
He looked up in time to see a Mercedes charging right at them.
Nia’s heart raced out of control when she looked up and saw the car racing toward them.
Gage grabbed Nia’s arms and threw them both ontothe sidewalk. He used his own body to soften her fall so she didn’t hit the concrete.
The car swerved at the last second, narrowly missing them before squealing away.
Someone had tried to hit them on purpose.
Why? And was she the target or Gage?
Thank goodness, he was there.
At once, she realized she was still lying on top of him with her head nestled against his chest.
He’d taken the brunt of the fall for her.
She quickly stood, an ache pulsing through her shoulder—despite the fact she’d landed on Gage instead of the pavement. She started to help him up when he hopped to his feet and brushed off his shirt.
“Are you okay?” she rushed.
His gaze narrowed as he stared down the street. “Thankfully, I have good reflexes. What was that about?”
“I wish I knew. But it’s a good thing you were with me.”
Several people flooded from the apartment building and surrounded them. They must have seen or heard what had almost happened.
Nia and Gage assured everyone they were okay.
Then a man in a suit and two uniformed officers rushed out.
Detective Arnie Duncan.
One of Mario’s best friends.
Nia braced herself for the coming conversation.
Detective Duncan paused and stared at her coolly. “Nia . . . long time, no see.”
“It’s been a couple of years.” Her words sounded stiff.
“You okay? Sounded like there was almost an accident out here.” His gaze flickered to the street.
“Must have been a distracted driver.” Nia’s spine tightened even more with every second that passed. “Almost hit us. But we’re both fine.”
“Did you get the license plate?” Duncan asked.
Nia and Gage both shook their heads. She’d been too distracted by the text she’d just received to even see the car coming.If you don’t do what I tell you, I’ll send that picture to the police. More instructions coming.
“Maybe we can pull some information from the security footage.” Duncan turned to Gage and introduced himself.
“I’m Gage Pearson, a friend of Rob’s.”
Duncan’s beady gaze traveled from Gage to Nia and then back to Gage as if trying to figure them out. “The two of you just happened to be with each other this morning?”