I jammed his mouth closed with one fist and used my other hand to sew his lips shut. Each puncture healed quickly around the thread.
The soul eater struggled and tried to jerk out of his restraints, but I kept a firm hold on his chin and steadily stitched with the needle.
When I placed the last stitch, I grabbed the scissors off the table and used them to snip the needle loose. I deposited them back on the tray and tied off the thread. Then I stepped back to admire my work. The black stitches matched his black missing eyes well.
I hummed my approval and snicked a scalpel off the tray with a smile. The scalpel would do nicely. He healed fast so I could cut him endlessly.
Onyx appeared beside me.
He glanced at the soul eater and smiled when he saw the stitches. “Nice work,” he said.
I nodded. The soul eater watched me with its black voids.
“I’ll get started here. You need to go to N.”
My eyebrows furrowed, and I looked at Onyx.
“She wants to see you. I think you should go over there. You can come back when you’re done.”
His words alarmed me. What was wrong with N? I handed him the scalpel and transported to her.
Tears streaked down her face and she sobbed as Wynn hugged her on the couch.
What’s wrong?I demanded, kneeling at her feet.
“Osian!” N’s eyes widened, and she threw herself at me.
I caught her and enveloped her in my arms.
What’s wrong?I repeated.
“You said goodbye again. Don’t do that to me!” She punched my arm then tucked her face against my bare chest and sobbed.
I pressed a hand into her hair.I’m not going anywhere.I was pleased to find the injury on her head had healed. A quick glance to her arm showed me that her scratch was healed, too.
“Damn right you’re not going anywhere. I’m going to sit on you and not let you leave!”
I laughed and kissed the top of her head.
I’m okay.
She turned her teary face up to me. “Promise me you’ll never permanently leave me again.”
She shook me. “Promise me. And that means no situations where you might be killed. Promise.”
I tucked her hair behind her ear.I promise.
She pressed her face back to my chest and sobbed.
I said,I have to go finish up with the soul eater.
She pulled back to yell at me.
I interrupted. It’ssafe. He’s chained.I smirked.And I sewed his mouth shut. Not that I have a soul for him to take, anyway.
N’s eyes widened, and it looked like she was going to say something, but then she simply kissed me.