“Okay then. I’ll see you soon.”
Four words have never sounded sosweet.
And now here I am, currently being glared at by eyes that are my favorite shade of green as I lean against my bike.
“Where exactly is my luggage supposed to go?” Jane asks, sweeping an arm to the pile of bags sitting on the curb of LAX. Four full-size suitcases, one carry-on, and a tote bag that’s bursting at the seams.
My words are muffled by my helmet as I say, “I brought a car, too. Hendrik will follow us home.”
Jane glances at the black SUV that’s parked behind me, before crossing her arms and eyeing me again. “I’m not getting on that thing.”
I run my hand gently over the beautiful, chrome finish on the back of my bike. “Shh, don’t hurt her feelings.”
“Of course,” Jane mutters. Hendrik loads the last of Jane’s bags into the trunk of the SUV before sliding behind the wheel. She takes a small step toward the car.
“Nope,” I tut, stopping her in her tracks.
“Why can’t I just ride with him? You know, in an actual vehicle?”
I jerk my head at Hendrik, who nods once before pulling away from the curb and taking off. Jane’s mouth hangs open as he drives away and I smirk beneath my helmet.
I grab the extra helmet I bought specifically for her and hold it out to her. “You’ll need this.”
She grabs it but makes no move to put it on. “What if someone sees us?”
A weak excuse, but I see where she’s going with it.
“Walker would just be pissed to know that I got you on my bike, not thinking anything past that. And as far as paps go,” I say, glancing around. “There’s a reason I’ve kept my helmet on this whole time, LJ. It’s not because I didn’t want to flash you your favorite smile of mine.”
She rolls her eyes and toys with the straps of the helmet.
“No one’s paying us any mind here right now, but they will if you make a scene. Do you want to make a scene?”
A tug in my gut hopes she does.
But it’s for the best when she sighs, relenting, and steps up to me. She pulls the helmet over her head and lifts her chin, exposing the straps to me.
She doesn't even need to ask.
I quickly secure it, ensuring it’s snug in place, but also teasing the bare skin of her throat with my gloves. Her breath hitches, and I grin.
“Good to go.”
Long, black waves spill from beneath her helmet, falling over her soft pink shirt and matching sweatpants. The fabric clings to her chest and stomach, and I resist the urge to grab a handful and tug her closer to me.
“Here.” I unzip my jacket and shrug it off, then hold it open for her and zip it up all the way to her chin.
“You can’t give me this. You need one, too.”
I glance at my white T-shirt and wave her off. “I’ll be careful.”