Page 50 of A Little More

“What about the thing between us?”

“I have to consider my job. It’s written into my employment contract that I can be fired on the spot and forfeit all my 401K. My future. Julien will do it, too. He’s already done it once this year. You said yourself it was temporary. It’s not worth the risk.”

Okay. So, the mature way didn’t work. “This is worth the risk.” He pulled her into his arms, covering her next word with his lips.

Every sense exploded. Her sweet smell. The minty taste of her mouth. The smooth skin down her arms.

That incredible little moan she made when she finally surrendered to the kiss and her body molded to his.

He’d never noticed that moment with any other woman.

He skimmed his hand down her body, fingers tracing along the outside of her thighs, where the frayed jean shorts ended. Touching her was a necessity. He wanted more but knew this might be all he got.

For the weekend, she would stay in Statem. He’d make sure that she did. If not, he’d be hot on her tail all the way to Atlanta. This woman was his while he had the chance.

Her laugh. Her smile. How she wrapped herself up in her job and then let loose when it was just the two of them. Greed made him want that until he was forced to let her go.

“Oh, good Lord, they’re at it again. Let me get the hose.”

His mom’s interruption seemed to embarrass Lexi. He broke the kiss but didn’t release her waist. “You told me to stop her.” Nash shot his mom a grin over his shoulder.

“By explaining there was no reason to leave, not by sucking the life out of her.” His mom stepped into his room.


He shifted around to face her, Lexi still tugging herself away, and Nash refusing to let her go.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Peggy.” Lexi landed a good elbow to the side of Nash’s ribs. He finally released his hold with the breath knocked out. “I don’t want you dragged into this deception.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “What deception? From the looks of it, you two are pretty compatible.”

“About lying about us being together.”

She waved her hand in the air. “It’s not lying when it’s nobody’s business to begin with. Gina needs to find herself a beau closer to her own age. I’d have disinherited Nash had he even brought that young girl around here.”

“I don’t want you to regret having me here.”

The laughter died from his mom’s eyes, and she turned oddly serious. “Lexi, dear, I’ve enjoyed having you here more than you’ll know.”

His mom walked away. Lexi leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. Her hand slipped around his waist.

From the beginning, he’d only wanted something brief. Nothing more than some fun and not to have his heart ripped apart, again. He’d known there was something special about her, but the deep pull within him made him want to hold onto her tighter. That was impossible. Eventually, she’d leave.


Lexi scrolled through pictures of renovated kitchens on her phone, holding one up for Nash to see every few minutes. His eyes were mostly glued to the baseball game. At least, when his attention wasn’t focused on kissing her.

There was something so comfortable about being with him. With her head resting against his shoulder, legs tangled together on the long sofa, which turned out to be much more comfortable than hers, she let a small sigh of contentment escape. She’d wanted this kind of effortless relationship with a man for a long time.

Her status, apartment, job, accolades…none of that impressed Nash. His reasons for dating her were based on her, as a woman, her personality, not on her accomplishments. Not on how much money she made, or if she’d seen the last documentary on the production of organic carrots. He’d be a hard act to follow.

But, she still didn’t have any desire to marry. Had never had any inclination for children. She enjoyed spending time with Nash, but the only reason it worked was the short time frame. Otherwise, she’d have run for the hills twelve hours ago with the discovery of the perfect kiss…mud and all.

They seemed to be on the same page, too. No significant discussions about the future. In fact, they’d avoided the future most of the weekend. And that was great. Wonderful. Exactly what they’d both agreed to.

Too bad a small corner of her brain, the emotional one she rarely listened to, didn’t agree with the brief romance. In fact, that segment had decided their temporary arrangement, well, basically sucked.

And, she’d spent half the night reconsidering her stance on sleeping with someone she wasn’t in a long-term relationship with. After kissing Nash, it was hard not to, but her rational side wouldn’t give her permission.