She’d stayed the night at Ms. Peggy’s house.
Lexi took a deep breath, steadying the war between common sense and irrational emotions. Because, besides the attraction, beyond the easy arrangement that couldn’t lead to more, she liked Nash.
Without a doubt, she would miss him. Not the insane kisses or dreamy old house. Simply Nash. The man that struggled to respect her wish to be independent while finding sneaky ways to take care of her anyway.
“What about this?” She held up her phone with a picture of another traditional kitchen, a white farmhouse sink stood out along a wall with a custom plate rack above. If she focused on the renovation, she wouldn’t think of how the sexy man she’d never sleep with trailed a finger up and down a small section of exposed skin along her lower back.
His eyes scanned over the picture. “It’s nice.”
“You’ve said that about the last five I’ve shown you.”
“I’m not into all that decorator stuff. I like the white sink. I think that’s what the house had when I was younger. Although, the appliances look a little better in that picture than the avocado color my grandmother had.”
She sat up, not missing his groan when she scooted away. “What about the countertop? Do you want granite or quartz or—”
“Just get a normal one. I don’t need anything fancy.”
“Didn’t you tell me that you had money set aside to renovate this place?”
He turned off the television, giving her all his attention. “Yes. Fifty thousand in trust with the limitation that it is only allowed to renovate the house. You know the costs of things, Lexi. It’s going to take a lot more than fifty thousand to do this house with granite countertops and high-end appliances. Everything else I have is dedicated to the store.”
She ran the numbers in her head. “I really think, with my connections, we could renovate the kitchen for ten. Including the countertops. I mean, I could easily spend fifty in each room but to do it nicely and in line with what the house should have as a kitchen, ten is enough.”
He shook his head. “Lexi, you’re already swamped at work. Aren’t you worried that it spreads both of us too thin? I’m building the shop on top of farming. You don’t even live here to do the renovation. You have other clients.” He reached for her hand, dragging her back across his lap until she looped her arms around his neck to keep from falling off. “And that would take away from this.”
His kiss still set off a million sparks that ran down to her toes. Too easy to get lost and forget.
“Nash,” she said, her voice sounding distant as his lips found a wicked spot near her ear. “I need something more right now.”
He made an exaggerated groaning sound. “I’ve been waiting to hear you say those words.”
She laughed, pushing away from his chest. “Not that. I need something more than my job.”
His eyes switched from playful to concerned. Another reason she had to keep her distance. She might start believing hereallycared.
“I don’t understand. You’re a very successful architect.”
“I know, but I’ve wanted to buy a farmhouse and renovate it since college.” She motioned around her. “I’m literally sitting inside my dream.”
“I was hoping you’d say you were sitting on your dream.”
She leaned forward, giving him a deep, long kiss until she almost lost track of her own thoughts. “I’m not here because of your house, but, I mean, if I had a rusty old tractor sitting in Atlanta, wouldn’t you want to see it?”
“No. Not when I could look at you instead.”
“I’m glad you think I’m prettier than a tractor, but that’s not my point.”
He twirled a section of her hair, the humor in his voice replaced with something sweet. “Why didn’t you major in restoration in college if this is your passion?”
“My mom talked me out of it. When you first came to my office, I was in the process of bidding on a house about an hour from Atlanta. I was going to move into it and fix it up.”
“You didn’t get it. I remember how pitiful you looked.”
Her mood deflated. “You thought I looked pitiful?” There went lust at first sight for them both.
“And sexy. A very sexy version of pitiful.”
She caught her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment, remembering how dejected she must have looked. “I don’t think that’s any better.”