Page 86 of Unleash You

My shoes shuffled across the floor as I took it all in. What kind of world was this? How was all this real? I glanced up, and Tyler jerked into action, elbowing Wesley in the ribs before heading my way.

“Jesus, Ana. What are you doing here?”

Wesley wedged himself between Tyler and me. “It’s a long story. And I would love to tell it to you, but can we do it on the way to the hospital? Maybe your doctor can help me out.” He opened his shirt and showed him the bloody rags.

“Fuck me. Why didn’t you tell me? Let’s get you out of here.” Tyler glanced at Rebecca and did a double take. “What the hell?”

“Long story.” She pointed at Wesley.

“Yeah, hang on.” Tyler tapped on his ear and talked fast to the person on the other end of the conversation. He asked for an SUV and medical assistance. By the time he said thanks and removed the device from his ear, a black Escalade had already pulled up to the curb.

Wesley waited until I climbed in the backseat to scoot in next to me. I focused on the road ahead while Wesley recounted every detail that had happened since we left Atlanta to find Charlie. Rebecca filled in the blanks when Wesley came to the part where Charlie snatched Rebecca from under the noses of the security guards.

“They should be fired.”

“No. It was my fault. I sent them on a wild goose chase. I knew Charlie wouldn’t hurt me.”

Every time his name came up, my stomach churned into knots. At some point, I had to get used to the idea that Charlie was gone. That he’d been gone for eight years. But for now, it still hurt too much. He didn’t have to die that way.

I sat very still in the car, my gaze on the city lights ahead of us. After almost an hour in the car, the driver stopped in front of a high-rise.

Wesley squeezed my fingers. “We’re here. Come on. You’ll be safe here.”

“What about you?”

“Someone will be here shortly to help.” He touched my cheek. “Anabelle, please tell me what you’re thinking.”

“Tomorrow. Right now, I just need to sleep.” I stepped out and followed Tyler through the lobby and up to his penthouse.

Two sets of hands ushered me to a room that smelled like Wesley. That alone unraveled the lump in my chest. I stared at the stark white sheets, then at my dirty clothes. When I turned around, I met Rebecca’s smile.

“There’s a shower there. You’ll have to wear one of Wesley’s T-shirts until we get fresh clothes. Tyler’s handling all that. Do you want to talk?”

I nodded. “After I wash all this off me.”

“Okay. I’ll be right here. Go on.”

I went through the motions of removing my clothes and getting clean. When I finished, I wrapped myself in Wesley’s bathrobe and went back to the suite. Rebecca lay on the bed fast asleep. I climbed in next to her and glared at the ceiling. The nightmare was over.

Dear Charlie,

It’s been almost three years since we started writing. My graduation ceremony was last night. I supposed I’m now officially a functioning adult. Or something of that sort, who knows. I’m expected to do so much with my life, but I haven’t a clue where to start.

If I’m being honest, the only reason I’d stayed afloat all this time is because of you. Your letters, all the love and encouragement you’ve sent over the years made me strong. So I’ve decided. I don’t know where life will take me or where to start, but for now, I’m going home. I can’t wait to see Mom’s gardens again. If you were embellishing about your mad gardening skills before, now’s the time to fess up.

Missing you, always.


Dear Anabelle,

Congratulations on your graduation. You have no idea how proud I am of all the things you’ve accomplished since you left. I’m sorry I hadn’t written in a while. Your news took me by surprise. And no, I’m not worried about the garden. I didn’t lie about that. :-)

Finding your way after college always takes some time, a bit of soul searching, and a few fucked-up mistakes. The world is a big place, most of it is good, some of it not so much. But home is always a good place to start. If you want to take a gamble on Atlanta, I’ll be here waiting. Take your time.
