Clutching his military shirt, I glanced up at her and wiped my cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Anabelle’s gaze darted between the body on the floor and me before she rushed to my side. “Get up.”
“I’m so sorry. He would’ve killed all of us.”
“I know. Don’t talk.” Her hand hovered over the hilt sticking out of me. “Here. Let’s take this off.”
She removed my shirt and sighed in relief when she saw the bulletproof vest. “Your vest broke off a chunk of the blade. He barely missed you.”
I reached over and yanked out the knife. “He stabbed me in the back?”
“He did.” She wrapped her arms around my waist. “Let’s get out of here. There’s not much we can do now.”
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered.
“I know, Wes.”
I would have done anything to bring her brother home as she wanted. But Charlie was long gone, beyond repair. Not even Anabelle could save him. I pulled her to me and ushered her out of the locker room. I’d have to find Tyler and tell him about Charlie. Mia would have to add one more to her body count.
So much for being the good guys.
It Ain't a Gamble, Darling
Wesley braced his arm on my shoulder, half ushering, half leaning on me for support. The stab wound wasn’t deep, but it was still a freaking stab wound.
“You’re going to need stitches.” I pressed my hand to his back while I surveyed the gash.
“It’ll be fine.” He pulled on his shirt and stuffed the rags we’d made earlier under his bulletproof vest.
“I don’t care how big of a marine you think you are. You’re still going to tend to that. It could get infected. Blood poisoning is a thing.” The motherly tone in my voice was something new to me. Since my parents died, I hadn’t had anyone in my life that mattered so much to me.
He offered a tired smile. “Okay. Tyler has a friend that can patch me up. For now, this will have to do. Let’s go find him.”
I slipped my hand into his and let him pull me toward the front of the building. The silence made the hair on the back of my neck stand. At the end of the corridor, Wesley halted midstep and put up his hand, shaking his head when I opened my mouth to protest.
“What?”I mouthed.
He pushed me against the wall next to Rebecca, who had already move there. His lips brushed my ear before he whispered, “Please stay. No matter what you hear, do not move.”
I nodded. Wesley unholstered his weapon, with the blood stain on his shirt getting bigger. With soundless steps, he disappeared around the corner. I scooted over to take a look, but Rebecca pulled me back.
“Don’t look.”
The shots rang out so loud and so fast I wasn’t sure I’d heard it right. Several moans were followed by bodies falling with a thud like some sort of execution. I covered my mouth to stifle a cry.
“Did he?” I met Rebecca’s gaze. Her eyes were as wide as mine as she shook her head. A warning not to make another sound.
The minutes limped by, and still no Wesley. I turned to leave, but she held me in place. “Just wait one more minute. It may not be over.”
I blinked and a bouquet of blue and red exploded around me. Cop lights flashed all around us as sirens blared in the direction of the parking lot. “It’s fine. The cops are here.”
I yanked my hand free and ran after Wesley. My legs slowed down on their own when the scene in front of me became clear. Four men were on the floor, bleeding. The one leaning on the threshold of his office, eyes lifeless, was definitely dead. Another one lay by the boxing ring, wincing in pain.