Ryah smiled, shook her head, then rinsed the blood off of her lips. “Have a seat on the toilet.” After drying her mouth, she reached into the cabinet beneath the small sink and retrieved the first-aid kit.

“Your dads back again. Is he leaving Rosetta?”

Ryah placed the small container on the marble countertop. “Not a chance.” She ripped open an alcohol swab packet.

“He gets to do whatever he wants.” She slipped the cool cloth over my cheek.

“Do you think he sleeps with both of them?” Her brows lifted.

There was no easy way to say it.

She patted the bruises with the alcohol swab.

Shit,I growled internally at the burn. On the outside, I barely flinched.

“Yes, Ryah.”

Sadness struck her pretty face.

“I don’t think he wants to have sex with Rosetta. But she’s, his wife.”

Ryah nodded. “You’re right. I was so naïve to think he was only sleeping with my mom.”

She shook her head as she ran a washcloth under the water.

I brushed my hand down her leg. “Stop worrying about what happens in their love life. Just focus on your relationship with each of your parents.”

She dabbed my face with the warm cloth. “I will. No more staying at his house either.”

“I agree with your decision.”

Ryah shut the door. “Get undressed and hop in the shower. I’ll wash your clothes.”

I stood and discarded my clothes. Leaning over, I winced through the pain as I scooped them off the floor.

Ryah’s hands splayed my chest. “You’re red and blue all over. Maybe you should take a bath.”

“I’m too exhausted. I just want to fall asleep in your arms.”

Ryah pressed her lips against mine, then stepped back. “You know I love sleeping with you.” She grabbed the clothes out of my arms. Her eyes dropped to my dick.

“Rocco, he needs to stand down. You heard what my dad said.” She swallowed hard.

“Trust me, I remember. I’m getting in the shower.”

Ryah didn’t move. She watched through the glass as I lathered my body with soap under the piping hot water.

“Baby, are you ok?”

“Yeah.” She shook off her lust. My princess needed my cock.

She turned on her heels.

“Hey Ryah?”

She peeked over her shoulder. “What’s up?”

“Text Agosto. Tell him to bring a change of clothes in the morning.”