“Ok.” Ryah glanced at my dick one last time before dipping out of the bathroom.
Facing my head to the cream ceiling, I welcomed the burn from the water banging against my aching skin. A shooting pain struck my back. Ryah was right; I needed to soak in the tub. That would be the first thing I did when I made it home in a few hours. I looked forward to being under my woman’s care tomorrow after school. Still dressed in her school uniform, I’d rip her panties off and plant her tight pussy on my dick. A smile crept across my lips. Yeah, watching her ride me would definitely take my mind off the pain. I stared at my red, swollen knuckles. They pulsated under the water. Bosco and I tearing each other apart in that office tonight played over and over in my head. Our feud was finally over. His words weighed heavy on my mind. ‘You’ll fuck up with her.’ That was where he was wrong. Not a chance I’d destroy my relationship with Ryah. Wishful thinking on his part.
Wearing only a black towel around my waist, I strolled into the family room. Ryah hopped off the sofa, clutching a bag of peas and a heating pad. She met me in the middle of the room.
Thank God she came bearing the best gifts.
“Come on. We’re going to one of the guest rooms. I’ll leave the bedroom door open so my dad can see we’re sleeping.”
We trekked up the steps. “I won’t argue with you. I’ll apologize in advance.”
She peeked at me. “For what?”
“I might snore again. I’m exhausted.”
We walked into the taupe-colored bedroom.
“It’s ok. You need a good night’s rest. Lie down.” Ryah plugged the heating pad into the wall, then climbed in bed next to me.
“Where do you want the heating pad?”
“Under my back. I hit the desk pretty hard.”
Ryah winced. “Lift up.” She slipped the heating pad under me.
“In a week you should be good as new.” Ryah placed the frozen peas on my black eye.
I welcomed the cold from the bag of veggies.
She sank under the blanket and nuzzled into my side. “I’m happy you’re here.” She brought my bruised knuckles to her lips.
“Me, too.”
Her lids lowered. I wished I could hold her. But I’d settle for just being in her presence.