“What would your father say if he found out?” Faith sipped her drink.
“Ryah, good job holding your own,” I mimicked dad’s deep voice.
The girls laughed.
It was best dad didn’t learn about this fight or the one with Emily. He’d lose his shit. “Ryah, you’re fighting over boys now?” I could hear him say.
I admired Rocco’s form as he tossed the football back and forth with his friends over the pool. The girls hanging around the pool fawned over Briar, Easton, and Jeremiah most of the hour. Several chicks stared, whispered, and even pointed at me. Bet they got the hint now. I’d wear my scratches and bruises with pride. Chilling with my friends became more and more painful with every passing minute. I only peeked at the time on Genevieve’s phone a hundred times. Smitty had my phone. I couldn’t leave my cell lying around. Couldn’t risk it being cloned by dad’s enemies. No matter how many guards I had, I always looked over my shoulder. Never knew when someone might try to attack.
I whispered in Genevieve’s ear. “Can you walk with me?”
I threw my arms around Faith, then Yarlie. “My head is pounding. See you guys Monday.”
I stepped back. “Enjoy the rest of the party.”
“Feel better soon,” Faith and Yarlie stated.
This was the perfect time to escape. Rocco’s back was to me.
Genevieve and I squeezed past several people en route to the stairs. I waved Smitty over.
“Genevieve, I saw you kicking it with Jeremiah earlier. What’s up?”
Smitty followed us up the stairs.
She blushed. “Nothing. We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I don’t know. Jeremiah acts like he’s really into me, but then again, I’m not sure. No way am I asking or guessing what his intentions are. I’m definitely not pulling one of your moves and kissing him while he’s fucking another girl.”
My eyes widened. “Genevieve?”
I peeked at Smitty. His facial expression remained unmoved. I knew he heard her. But hopefully he wouldn’t bring it up later. My insides rocked at the thought of my dad finding out how Rocco and I really hooked up.
“I’ll hint around to Rocco. See if Jeremiah said anything to him about you. I’ll text you when I know something.” I halted outside the massive bedroom door.
“Ok, feel better soon.” She hugged me before stepping away.
Smitty darted into the room and performed his sweep. I peeked at the do not enter sign on the door. That was all Rocco’s doing. Leaning my head against the wall, I scanned the large hallway. The two humongous black chandeliers filled with tall candles gave the space a fifteen-century gothic feel. The ceilings and walls were ash gray giving off the dark ambiance. The three couples hooking-up were too busy to notice the castle’s charm. My eyelids felt so heavy, I could probably fall asleep standing up. Who knew fighting could wear you out?
“Ryah, here’s your phone.”
“Thanks, Smitty.” I stepped into the room.
“You’re welcome. Do you need me to get a cold towel for you?”
“No, I’ll manage.”
He closed the door. I strolled into the bathroom, grabbed a towel, and ran it under cold water. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.
I touched my jaw. “Ow.” It was swelling.
Did they all hit me in the face? I sauntered back into the room. They probably thought that would loosen my grip on that bitch. Only Rocco could get me to release Meg.
The second I slid under the blanket, I placed the cold towel on my forehead. My phone buzzed. Please don’t let it be Rocco.