Mom’s phone number appeared on FaceTime. Shit.
I tapped the green button. “Hey, mom.”
Her eyes widened. “Ryah, why are you in bed?”
I didn’t point the phone directly in my face.
“Mom, check out this room.” I flipped the camera.
“It looks like an actual castle, doesn’t it?”
“It does.”
Mom and I were working through our issues. The ones I hated existed. The ones that made my family dynamic look like a freak show. I had to get it through my head. She’d always be dad’s side chick. Their relationship was no longer cute. It was sickening. And my dad. Let’s just say, I could barely look him in the eye. He stayed with us the entire week. Dad said we needed to talk.
What could he possibly say to make this situation any better? Because it was obvious as long as mom would allow him into her bed, he’d never leave her alone. He was a psycho. I hoped I wouldn’t become a power-driven psycho like him. Shit, wait, was I like him? I sent my boyfriend on a drink run so I could fight with three girls. One of them, I almost drowned. Ok, maybe just a little bit.
Anyway, I didn’t want to talk to him. I wondered how Rosetta felt about dad’s week-long sleep over at our house. I’d love to say if I were her I’d divorce him. But in the mafia world there wouldn’t be a divorce. Dad’s situation made me shy away from the idea of marriage and children. I believed Rocco and I could get on the same page. In time anyway.
“You didn’t answer my question. Why are you in bed?”
I flipped the camera back so she could see me.
“My head is pounding. The loud music isn’t making it any better.”
Her eyes narrowed.
“Are those scratches on your face?”
I sat up, leaning against the monster headboard.
“Mom, please don’t freak out.”
“Ok, I won’t.”
“Wait, is dad there? Because if he is, I can’t tell you.”
“Ryah, tell me or I’ll have Smitty bring you home,” she bit out.
Great, he was there. Shit, fuck!
“I got into a fight.”
Her eyes widened. “Are you ok? Why were you fighting?”
I hesitated.
“Yes, I’m fine.” I tugged at my damp curls.
“This girl and I had a disagreement. And my temper got out of control. I almost drowned her.”
Mom threw her hand over her mouth. “Ryah.”
Dad snatched the phone out of her hand. He stared at me for a long time. “Are you ok?” His jaw twitched.
That took a lot of effort on his part. I knew he had a thousand questions.
I diverted my gaze to the comforter under my free hand. “Yes.”