My eyes bulged. I felt like they’d pop out of my head. There was a possibility I wouldn’t see him until the school year started. No, there was no way I could go an entire summer without seeing my boyfriend. This was absolutely the wrong time to think this way, but I wanted to get out of here. Feel the sand between my toes one last time before I left. I needed my boyfriend to hold me.
“What’s on your mind, Ryah?”
“Those kids who sat on the bench last night drinking together, they looked so happy. Sometimes, I think about having a normal life. I wanted that on this trip. Just once. I accept my life for what it is. This trip became so much more than I imagined. The concert was the best. I looked forward to spending more time with you.” My bottom lip trembled.
I was breaking down. No, Ryah, you don’t get to break down. Your mother chose your father, who’s a mob boss. You don’t get to walk down the street freely. There will always be someone guarding you.
“Ryah, we have the rest...”
“Don’t fucking say it. You sound like my dad. We don’t have the rest of our lives clearly. Fuck,” I roared.
“I won’t bother asking because I know you’ll say no.”
I longed to be with my boyfriend. But he’d tell me I couldn’t stay with him. I shook my head and sighed. “I love you.” A huge air bubble formed in my throat. The water works weren’t far behind. “Stay safe.”
I disconnected the call.
Tossing the phone aside, I curled into myself in the corner of the sofa and closed my eyes. The silent tears beat against my eyelids. Anger coursed through my veins, shoving the tears aside. I was getting out of here tonight.
Dad sat at my bedside. He leaned over, bracing his hands on his head. “I wish I could be with you and your mom,” he whispered.
He was really going through it. Dad missed mom desperately. I wondered if he snuck off to talk to her while we were here.
Sitting on my knees, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Dad, I know.”
For the first time, I saw how unraveled he was when he wasn’t with her. It was like when he was around Rosetta, he put up this wall of armor. Pretending to be all things strong and not caring. His bleeding heart was on full display. He needed mom.
“Dad, call her. I’m sure she misses you, too,” I whispered.
He nodded. “I will.” Dad sat up and pulled me into his arms. “You and your mother are my galaxy. You both are the sunlight in my life.”
His words were sweet and poetic. Who knew dad had a tender side to him?
“Get some rest, baby. We leave for the airport at eight in the morning.”
I sighed. “I’ll get packed.”
His lips pressed against the top of my head. “See you in the morning.”
I jumped off the bed and grabbed my suitcase and satchel. “Night, Dad.”
He vacated the bedroom, and my smile withered. I ran into the bathroom and snagged my personal items. I stuffed them between my tiny shorts, tanks and undies inside the messenger bag. When dad realized I was gone, the first person he’d call would be Rocco. Even though the note I’d leave would tell him I wasn’t with him, I removed my sniper rifle case and survival kit from my luggage, then slipped them under the bed with my bag. I threw the rest of my belongings into my suitcase, then placed it next to the door.
I stood in the shower fifteen minutes later. Raising my hands to the ceiling, I welcomed the soothing warm water drenching my skin. Rocco wouldn’t rest until he found me. I was counting on it. If he insisted, I return to Philly with my father, I’d run again. I had survival skills. Operating a weapon was like second nature to me. Killing was the only area I still needed dad’s expertise in. I’d seen him kill several times, but I’d yet to take one of our enemies’ lives. After my much-needed shower, I slipped on my PJs and wrote the note. I climbed into bed, under the cool sheet, and placed the small piece of paper under my pillow. Yawning, I glanced out the window marveling at the full moon. No stargazing with Rocco this summer. This would be the worst birthday summer ever.My eyelids lowered.
The vibration against my arm woke me. Was it time to wake up already? It couldn’t be my alarm. The weight of my eyelids made me feel like I’d just dozed off. I peeked at the screen.
Rocco: Ryah, I hope you don’t think being away from you is easy. It’s tearing me up inside.
Me: Rocco, I know. I’ve calmed down. I’ll be fine. Get some rest. I love you.
Rocco: I love you, too.
Most of what I said were lies. I hadn’t gotten over our situation. He needed to get his rest because in a few hours he’d be looking for me. I needed to see with my own two eyes that Rocco was all right. My eyelids fluttered closed.
The vibrating phone felt like it buzzed forever against my flesh. This time it buzzed longer than it did a couple of hours ago. Sitting up, I took in the dark surroundings. Starfish bordering the yellow wallpaper brought a smile to my face. I scampered around my room, slipping into a pair of denim shorts, a forest green shirt, socks and black sneakers. I brushed my teeth as I peeked out the window. Art and dad’s other bodyguard Duran took turns circling the property. Fuck, how would I get across the property?
I dipped back into the bathroom to finish my morning routine, pondering on my problem. I’d have to be quick but quiet.