LEANING OVER THE SIDEof the pool, I rested my head on my arms, wiggling my legs in the cool water. The flood lights shined across the patio and lush grass. This island was a piece of heaven.

Lunch with dad went well. I missed hanging with him. There was no doubt in my mind that dad loved me. I almost let his love triangle destroy our relationship. I’d have to dig deep inside of myself and focus on my personal time with dad. He agreed to complete my training. I was so elated. I’d make one badass Donna.

My friends texted me off and on through the day. Asking that I send them pictures. Dad would never allow it. He didn’t want his enemies finding out where we were staying. If you took away the bodyguards walking the premises, my life felt normal. I didn’t feel like a mafia princess in the Caymans. I felt like Ryah Conti. Daughter of businessman Luciano Conti.

Yesterday, the energy of the crowd made me feel alive. One of my favorite singers bellowed out hit after hit, sparking joy in my heart. My man stood behind me, silent and brooding. Girls and grown women stared at Rocco. His eyes scanned the crowd, never landing on them. He left them drooling. His long curly hair brushing his shoulders was alluring. That strong angular jawline, slightly pointy nose, and those cupid bow lips were sexy. The second I turned to face him, those tranquil blue eyes danced over my skin, lighting my core on fire. I had to sweep my fingers over his golden chest. The top of my head hit right under his pecs. I loved how he towered over me. His body was an entirely different story. I could lick that V that led to his cock all night. Rocco had always been a cute guy, but once he turned sixteen, he was an altogether different kind of sexy. Now, at seventeen, his muscles were bigger and that eight pack was more defined. There was no way I’d ever get enough of my man. I loved when his dick was buried inside of me. The look of ecstasy on his face was mind blowing. The night I watched him fuck another girl, I noticed he never met her gaze. Once I stepped into his line of sight, he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. In that moment, I knew if nothing else, he lusted for me. Dreamed about having me. His eyes swept over my skin so many times. I didn’t know he had a crush on me. That I sexually frustrated him. That he fucked those girls to get me off his mind. Our first time together was so magical and so right. I was pleased with myself for waiting as long as I had. His cock was addicting. I needed it all the time. Sitting in the truck last night under his smoldering gaze, my nerve endings tingled. His strong grip on my thigh made my body shudder. I hated admitting to Rocco how much I craved him. Don’t play with yourself, Ryah. You promised, Rocco, you wouldn’t. How much longer did I have to wait to get what I wanted? Him.

I peeked at my phone screen. Only thirty minutes passed since the last time I glanced at it. Ten o’clock stared back at me. I thought Rocco would’ve been here by now, or at least called.

“Ryah,” Dad called out.

My head snapped to the left. “Yes?”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “Come inside.”

Dad appeared stressed. The twitching jaw was always a clue something angered him.

I hopped out of the pool, grabbed a fluffy blue towel and my phone, then scurried inside. Drying my hair and body, I stood in front of dad waiting for him to say something.

“Dad, what’s wrong?”

“Have a seat, Ryah.”

I sat, peering up at him as he paced.

“The guy Rocco handled today told him someone’s watching us. And they want our territory.”

My heart slammed against my ribcage. The world we lived in. The mafia world just made its presence known. “We leave in the morning. I have to get you to a safehouse. Your mother should be there within the hour.”

I balled my fists at my side. It felt like my heart beat throbbed in my throat. “Is Rocco, ok?”

“Yeah.” Dad held out a phone. “I need to talk to Rosetta. Here.” He placed the phone in my palm.

“Press send. Rocco will pick up.”

I nodded. Dad disappeared down the hall. Holding the phone to my ear, my fingers combed through my damp hair.


“Rocco.” My voice shook. Fuck, I was scared.

“Did your Dad fill you in?”


“I’m not sure how long you’ll be in a safehouse.”

“Where will you be?” I clenched my fist tighter in an effort to keep the shaking at bay.

“Working, Ryah.”

Why couldn’t I work with him? We could’ve brought our enemies down together. I knew the answer. Dad wouldn’t let me fight in this war.

“Baby, I love you. We’ll see each other again hopefully before the summer is over.”