“And so are you.” Her brows lowered.
I laughed. “Ryah, calm down. We’re attending Princeton together.”
She rolled her eyes. “Your reasoning for attending Princeton is only to showcase your possessive skills. You know, intimidate guys who might try to talk to me.”
I reached for her hand. “You make me sound like an asshole.”
She ran toward the ocean under the stars. “Rocco, you are an asshole.”
Tearing my eyes away from the orange tropical print bikini plastered on her brown skin was impossible. Ryah kicked the warm water at me.
“Join me. The water feels so good.”
“You know I can’t.” My eyes fell over the deserted beach, then back on Ryah. It was hard to believe hundreds of people stood shoulder to shoulder just an hour ago.
I raised the hem of my white polo shirt and flashed my Glock.
She placed her hands on her hips. “Rocco, Agosto’s right there. Give him your gun.” The water swept over her feet.
“Agosto,” I called over my shoulder.
He rose from the lounge chair and walked toward me. “Yes, Rocco.”
I dropped our shoes, whipped off my shirt, then unholstered my weapon. “Hold this for me.”
“No problem. Enjoy yourself.” He took my weapon and returned to the lounge chair.
I threw my shirt and holster on top of our shoes.
“I love it here,” Ryah shouted, as she trekked deeper into the water.
“Don’t go too far,” I yelled, as I walked toward her.
“Why? The water’s calm. It’ll be easy to swim back.”
My heart raced the further I walked out. Mom put me in the water at five. She said I cried anytime my feet couldn’t touch the bottom. As I got older, that weird fear continued. I faked loving to swim around others. The black ops training exercises were especially hard to get through. Being smacked in the face by the rough sea, then tossed under the water. Yeah, not something I was eager to do next month. I muscled through it because I didn’t have a choice. My skin became clammy all over just thinking about the training. Rocco Andrisani couldn’t be afraid of water. Over time I overcame that fear to some degree. I knew my feet would touch the bottom of the pool sooner rather than later. But the ocean was altogether different. Without proper scuba gear you might never hit the bottom and survive. Swimming further out into the sea wasn’t a problem for Ryah. She loved the water. Shit, I can’t bitch out.
I swam a little further out. My feet barely touched the ground. Casually swaying my arms in the warm water, I leaned back and floated.
“Rocco, come here.”
Ryah wasn’t slick. She wanted to be out of Agosto’s view so I could touch her pussy. Any other time I’d love that, but it wouldn’t fucking happen past this point.
I hated ignoring my girlfriend.
Don’t lose your shit in front of her.
“Rocco, I know you fucking hear me,” she bit out.
“Yes, of course. Come back this way.”
“No, I asked you to meet me out here.”
“I’m going back to dry land.” I turned and swam away from her.
“Fine Rocco, wait.”
Great, she was pissed. I planted my feet on the rough ocean floor.