I placed the cigar between her lips. Men and women smoked cigars in our circle. Mom and dad smoked after he grilled for hours some summer days. I loved watching my parents enjoy each other’s company.

“Let’s see. He said I was not allowed to fuck his daughter in his house.”

Her brows rose.

“Ryah, we should meet in the pool in the middle of the night before our vacation is over.”

She puffed the cigar, then laughed.

“I don’t know if I can keep my voice down. Rocco, we’ll have to do it somewhere else.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Let’s go swimming. I’ll make us a couple of smoothies to take to the beach with us.”

I rubbed my hands together. “Now you’re talking.”


Ryah stood in front of me, thrusting her fists in the air and shaking her hips to the beat. She sang “Slut Like You by Pink.” I had no idea she knew this song. Were Ryah and her friends singing this song in the girls locker room?

The song ended and Ryah jumped in the air, yelling and cheering with the rest of the roaring crowd. The beach was jammed packed with people enjoying the concert.

Ryah turned to me. “I can’t believe you knew I loved Pink.” Her orange glossy lips tipped up at each end.

“You always play songs from her playlist in the car. I’ve never heard you play this one before.” I gruffly ran my hand over my face.

“Rocco, it’s just a song.” Her hands slipped under my shirt, and she rubbed my golden chest. “I’m a slut for you.”

My lips crashed into hers. She sure was.

“Enjoy the concert, baby.”

Ryah turned and sang along to the next song. I glanced over my shoulder.

“Agosto, how are we looking?”

He wore a white suit this evening. His eyes hid behind dark sunglasses and his face was expressionless. His hands remained cupped in front of him as he leaned into my ear.

“Genn believes he found what you’re looking for. He’ll confirm before midnight.”

“Great, thanks.”

I hoped to take care of that motherfucker in the next couple of days so I could give Ryah my undivided attention.

Two hours later, we strolled barefoot along the beach.

“I love the weather here.” Ryah stepped in front of me and walked backwards. “I could live here during the summer months.”

“Just the summer months, huh?”

“Yeah, I don’t think I could ever give up the snow in Philly.”

“Most people would choose to live here year-round and say the hell with the snow.”

She shook her head. “Philly’s home. I don’t think I could ever leave.”

“But you’re moving to Jersey in a year.”