“Jesus, Rocco. I’m your girlfriend. You have me. I won’t ever be his. Please tell me this is over.”
“Shush, don’t wake your parents.” I ran a hand over her wild curls. “It’s over.”
Her shoulders dropped on a sigh and those long lashes lowered. “Thank God.”
In the blink of my one good eye, I felt the muzzle of a gun tap the back of my skull.
“What the fuck are you doing in my house at this time of night?”
Ryah’s eyes popped open. “Daddy?”
Slowly, my arms lifted. “Luciano, I needed to see Ryah.”
He removed the gun from my dome. “You did, huh?”
Luciano flipped on the light. His brows rose. “Whoa, who beat the shit out of you?”
He wore blue Pjs and an undershirt. I’d seen him dressed similar at his house. It was weird seeing Luciano dressed the same way here too.
“Bosco and I fought.” I dropped my arms at my sides. “He looks just as bad as I do.”
“Doubt that,” Luciano mumbled, under his breath.
“Dad, let me get him cleaned up.” Ryah gripped my hand and shooting pain struck my body.
“Then he leaves,” he growled.
His evil eyes met mine.
“Luciano, I’ll sleep on the couch. I need to be close to Ryah tonight.”
If I risked saying I needed to be with my woman, he’d put me out for sure.
Luciano waved a finger at me. “On the fucking sofa.”
“There isn’t much I could do in my current state.”
Should’ve kept my mouth shut.
His eyes narrowed. “If your dick still works, then your current state is irrelevant.”
“Dad!” Ryah bit out.
“I’m speaking from experience. I’ll be watching you two.” He stalked off, grumbling under his breath.
Yup, I was still his least favorite person. Good to know.
Ryah tugged my hand again. “Come on.”
She tapped the light switch as we stepped into the bathroom. I came face to face with the monster in the mirror. Literally. Ryah’s fingers traced over the blue and red marks on my face.
“Hopefully a bag of peas will help with that swollen eye.”
Her delicate fingers brushed along the edge of my pink and red lips.
“Did it hurt when we kissed?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t care. I needed to feel your lips.”