“Since you don’t like holiday events you should relax at home.”
His cold gaze fell on me. “You don’t want me there?” he growled.
“I don’t need your negativity tonight. Besides Ismael might be there.”
“Screw that douche bag. I’m not threatened by him.”
“Noah, I gathered that when you told the guy I was your woman.”
He shook his head as he drilled several screws in various locations of the cabinet.
“I’ll drive.”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine, you’ll wear a solid green sweater.”
He arched a brow. “No.”
“Yes, or you can go alone.”
“You’re lucky you’re beautiful,” he muttered.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“And you’re sleeping here tonight.”
My brows lowered. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” The beast bared his teeth.
“The fuck I am,” I bit out through gritted teeth too.
Guess this was a dog fight because neither of us backed down.
Noah moved closer and met my gaze. “How do I make you feel?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“I’ll ask in a different way. Do I scare you or do you feel safe when you’re in my presence?”
His arm flexed gripping the cabinet. “You can rest your arms, Hope.” Noah sat the drill on the shelf.
I wiggled my arms allowing the blood to flow.
“Noah, I slept like a baby last night. Is that what you want to hear?”
He reached out, hooking his arm around my waist. Noah’s lips melted against my forehead.
Tingles shot through my entire body.
“Even with that smart mouth of yours the first day I laid eyes on you I fucking had to have you.”
“Is that why you volunteered to help me renovate my house?”
“To be close to you every day on my vacation. Yes.”
“Noah, I won’t change who I am.”
“I’d never ask you too. The ugly Christmas T-shirts, sweaters, and bells on your boots is your thing.”