“Merry Christmas.”
Her chestnut eyes lit up. “Did you find everything you were looking for?”
“Yes.” I grabbed a flyer off the stack resting next to the register.
“I almost forgot about the cookie contest.”
“Are you donating cookies?”
I grinned. “You know what, I think I will.”
“Kids come from miles around to take part in the event.”
“Sounds like baking a wagon of cookies is in my near future.”
We laughed. She scanned the price tag, then placed the coat in the bag.
As I retrieved my credit card from my purse, my smile withered. I felt lingering eyes on me. Like a creeper stood in the shadows. It felt like someone’s nails scraped down the center of my back. I wished Noah’s worried face didn’t stand at the forefront of my mind. A shiver shot down my spine as I peeked over my shoulder. The guy I spoke to had disappeared. Other shoppers browsed the racks, unphased by my presence. Why did I have that eerie feeling in my soul?
Noah’s new security detail also had me on edge.
After I purchased the jacket, I stepped out the door clutching the shopping bag handles. The townspeople waved and smiled.
“It’s the lady from the ice rink,” a woman said to her friend.
I politely smiled and waved. The winds kicked up, penetrating my pea coat's exterior and chilling my bones as I darted next door. Thank goodness I didn’t have to go far.
Standing at the wait station, I slipped out of my coat and shoved it in the oversized red bag. The gold Christmas tree sparkled on my green glitter sweater. Immediately the warmth surrounded me. Freshly baked apple pie hung in the air. I wiggled my nose, inhaling cinnamon spice. Maybe I’d order dessert first. The waitress with the candy cane pens in her hair approached. This time I glanced at her name tag.
“Good afternoon, Crystal.”
“Hope, welcome back to Christmasville diner. Delila said we’d see you a lot. We can’t wait to read your article about the town.” The crow’s feet around her blue eyes lit up.
“I’m excited for you all to read it.”
She tapped my arm. “You’re a star around here.”
Crystal waved at a couple walking out the door. Her eyes fell back on me. “Everyone’s talking about that hot kiss on the ice.” Her porcelain skin turned a bright hue of red.
“Your boyfriend’s gorgeous. You’re such a lucky woman. If only my husband would make a gesture like that. He’d get lucky more often,” she laughed, nudging my arm.
A chuckle rolled from my throat. If only they knew my boyfriend was the Grinch who hated Christmas.
“I can’t believe our kiss is the talk of the town. It was a great kiss.” I felt my cheeks heat.
“I’ll lead you to your table.”
Patrons whispered amongst themselves and smiled at me as I trailed behind Crystal deeper into the restaurant. I waved back. Noah and I really were the talk of the town. What did I expect? There were roughly five thousand residents in Christmasville. In a small town, our kiss was front page news. I smiled inside. It was cute.
Now that I thought about it only seven thousand people made up the population in Noah’s hometown. My body zinged with excitement. I loved the small-town feel and looked forward to exploring my new home.