“What if we invite our families to join us for Christmas next year? They can stay in the big house. And you and I can stay in the smaller house.”
“Noah, I like that idea.”
A dark Tahoe sat amongst the trees to my right.
“Did the security arrive already?”
“While you’re interviewing the mayor, I’ll meet with my cousin at the diner.”
“Do I get to meet him?”
“Vincenzo likes to remain off the radar. His men are our security. This is my cousin’s specialty.”
“I want to meet him, Noah.”
“Ok. No problem.”
He gripped my hand. “I’ll kill for you.”
“No, you wouldn’t. Don’t say that.”
“You’re my woman. Before next Christmas you’ll be my wife. I won’t allow a crazy bastard to harm my future bride.” He leaned in, kissing my lips.
“Future wife. I love the sound of that.”
“Me too, Hope.” He rolled to a stop outside of the gold building a block down from the diner.
“See you soon.” I jumped out of the truck, waved at Noah, before I trekked across the street.
Worry struck his face as he watched me disappear inside city hall. Was there something Noah wasn’t telling me?
Thumbing through the coat rack at the outfitter store left me giddy. I stopped browsing the second my eyes fell on the military green slimming quilted jacket with a golden-brown fur hood. It was perfect for snowboarding. My man could snowboard. That would be one sexy sight. I couldn’t wait. A smile lifted my cheeks.
“Nice coat,” a red headed guy stated two racks over.
“Thanks. My boyfriend will love it.”
“Hey you’re that journalist in the newspaper article.” He snapped his fingers. “Your boyfriend kissed you under the mistletoe. Now he’s ruined it for all guys. My girl wants a romantic sentiment too.”
“Awe, I’m sure she’ll love anything you do for her. Even if it’s a quiet dinner for two.”
“If the snow wasn’t coming down for the second day in a row, we could eat outside at the park.”
I pointed. “Oh, how about a small picnic in the gazebo near the ice rink?”
“That’s different. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
I nabbed the jacket off the rack and darted toward the register. My eyes gravitated to the large white and gold Christmas tree sitting in the middle of the store. Nothing screamed holiday spirit more than a well-decorated tree. I laid the jacket on the counter.
“Happy holidays.” A huge smile took her almond face.