TESSA: You okay?
DANTE: I’m good. Karma said I should spend the night by myself tonight to fully integrate my healing session.
TESSA: I understand. I should probably get a good night’s rest too since I have a big day tomorrow.
DANTE: Sorry for being weird tonight. This healing thing is stirring up a lot of strange emotions. Insecurities.
TESSA: I love you.
DANTE: I love you. Thank you for being cool with me.
After I check my alarm settings, I toss my phone onto my nightstand. I hear Dante pacing in his room, and the urge to console him is strong. But if Karma requested he take somealone time, then he probably should have that space to process. She doesn’t make random suggestions.
I contemplate searching for her myself and asking if she might give me a healing session, too. Though if she wanted me to go through the process with the others, she would have made that happen. She probably wants to focus on the damage Instant did to the others first since they all were here years longer than me.
I can be patient. I don’t fucking like being patient, but perhaps that’s a test?
My psychic energy reaches out, and I feel chaotic emotions stirring in Evan’s room, then in Kurtis’s.
Sure, they always teased and flirted with me, but I didn’t know that their feelings went deeper than that. Or are they just flailing and grabbing for me now because they don’t like how their Karma therapy makes them feel?
Do I want them to want me?
My mind wanders to what a future with either of them might be like. I can’t say I hate the idea of either of them in my bed. But I don’t want it for the wrong reasons, or to be a distraction to their healing.
Fuck. Is that why Karma told Dante to stay away? Am I a distraction for him? Our lives were shit before we took down Instant. Maybe I was an escape thenandnow.
My heart aches and pangs with sadness when I contemplate pulling away from Dante. Or Evan and Kurtis. I finally found people who care about my existence, and I don’t want to give that up.
But what if it’s all an illusion?
As I fall asleep again, I create a protection circle around me. I don’t want to have another dream with that sexy god telling me to hook up with all three guys. Not tonight.
I don’t know if he’s my subconscious or an outside entity. Either way, forming a barrier to my mind will hopefully prevent another interaction tonight.
Thankfully, I didn’t dream of the mysterious dream god.
I get up early as per Death’s work hours and find all three of the guys are still asleep when I’m ready to leave for the day.
Megan appears in front of me as I finish my coffee in the kitchen. She smiles as I straighten my blouse. I cock a brow when she doesn’t immediately pop us away to Death’s domain.
“What’s up?” I ask.
“He wants me to take you on your first ride-along.”
“Oh, I thought he was going to take me for my first day.” I try not to be disappointed that I won’t have guidance from the big guy himself. But maybe it’s better a co-worker does it since I don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of him.
“Nope, it’s me today,” Megan says happily. “He thinks you should make friends with some of the other agents since you aren’t living with us.”
“Shit. Is he going to have me move into the death housing?” I’m a bit conflicted about that. On the one hand, I’ll be able to get my bearings with my romantic situation. On another, I’ll miss my guys.
Megan shakes her head and pops us out and into the underworld, but we’re in a place I don’t recognize. There’s a long corridor in front of us.
She guides me down and opens a door, revealing a bigger and nicer room than the one I have at the Karma house. And it has an ensuite bathroom. The room isn’t furnished, but itdoesn’t feel like anyone’s energy has claimed it. Nor does it seem personalized in any way.
“What’s this?” I ask, not wanting to insult her if this is her place, but it doesn’t seem like she would live anywhere without pink bling.
“It’s your room. Stay here or don’t. Death doesn’t care as long as you show up when you’re expected to and do a good job.”