Page 22 of My Karmic Destiny

I glance down the hallway and see several other closed doors. “Do you have a room here?”

“Yep.” She shows me to a door and swings it open. The space glows with pink and sparkles. I practically have to shield my eyes and not look directly at it. “I stay here most nights unless I’m on the prowl.” She claws the air like a big cat and mock growls.

“You date a lot, then?” I ask.

“Enough. One-night stands since I can’t really tell a regular human about my unusual career path.”

I lean against the wall outside her room and give her a long look. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but why all the pink and sparkles?”

“Why not?” She shrugs, but then must realize I really want to know. “I suppose when we deal with death and endings, I need something bright and positive. I didn’t care much for girlie stuff when I was in my before-times.”

I snicker at her name for the part of our lives before the gods came along and changed everything, even our personal connections, to the world.

“I can understand that.” I fiddle with my shirt buttons. “I’m nervous.”

“You?” she chuckles.

My brows pull together in confusion, and I snap my attention to her. “What does that mean?”

“Uh, just that… well, I’ve read your file. You’ve dealt with so much in your short life. And you have powers of your own. Youinstinctually rescued souls and guided them to the beyond. You pulled your guy, Kurtis, from death’s grasp.”

“Yeah, but that was a pure fluke. I didn’t know what I was doing either time.”

She shakes her head at me, and suddenly I feel all her long weary years. “Tessa, that’s my point. You did it all before on your own. Now I’m going to train you and you have Death on your side. And when you go solo as an agent, I’ll be here for you when you need to talk out the rough jobs.”

“Thank you.” I shove my hands in my pockets, feeling awkward. I’m still getting used to kindness.

“I guess we should get on with training!” she says and bounces down the hall with me in tow.




The entire Karma household has gathered under the large gazebo again, except for Tessa. Her absence is like a wound in itself.

I hated being away from her last night, but Karma was clear: I have to learn to find confidence and acceptance within myself. It isn’t fair to solely rely on my relationship with Tessa.

Karma warned that I could place all my worth in Tessa’s approval, and if I perceived any wavering on her part, imagined or real, that I could fall apart.

I don’t think I’m that fucking fragile. But when I remember my obsessive behaviors with the bizarre claiming sex, I see Karma might have a point.

I came pretty close to biting Tessa and drawing blood—marking her like a feral beast. Who does that? I mean, sure, it happens in werewolf romance books, but even in the supernatural world of the gods, that’s a bit much.

Kurtis glances at me sheepishly. Evan is avoiding me. I have a bad feeling they’re planning to steal Tessa from me.

Is she truly mine if she can be stolen?

I brush it off. I’ll talk with her soon and work it out.

Karma guides us through another meditation, dragging up more trauma and memories. I’m not the only one in the group who hates this.

When we finish, Karma calls to Chara and lets the agent know she’s next for a private session.

Evan keeps watching me as we make our way back to the house, looking as if a question is on his tongue.

“What?” I ask flatly.