Page 93 of My Karmic Destiny

We give her our thanks for the gift of the retreat and the time off.

“Do you wish to keep the house?” she asks.

I glance at my guys, and they nod. “We would, but I suppose that decision might be influenced by whatever we have to talk about today.”

“Yes, on to the reason for this meeting,” Death agrees in his devastatingly deep voice. “Have you given any thought about where your future is leading you? Or have you been too… preoccupied?”

I blush. It’s weird when your boss knows too much, like about me boning three guys.

“I’ve given it some thought.” I wring my hands together, because it feels odd to admit this. “I don’t feel like I belong here anymore. No offense. You’re an amazing boss. It’s just when I think about coming back, my instincts warn it isn’t the right answer.”

“So you’ve noticed the shift in your power?” Karma asks. “And how you have grown in strength?”

“I’ve felt it.” I look at my guys again. Part of that boost in strength seems to come from them. Their devotion to me, but it seems crazy to admit.

“Yes.” Karma reads my expression. “You would have come into your power with the proper conditions on your own. For your whole life, Instant made sure you were weakened until she could take over control and claim your power for herself.” Karmaacknowledges my guys. “I suspect she was hoping to slowly consume your three soul mates for their energy to maintain your powers. But Tessa, you’re strong in your own right.”

“I figured as much when she went back for them, but what does this have to do with my future?” I ask. Then add, because it feels like this is bigger than just me. “Ourfuture?”

“Instant would have been able to use your power,” Karma explains. “But she would never have been as powerful using your unique gifts as you can be with them, since they are tied to your soul. And to your soulmates.”

“So theyaremy soulmates?”

They each place a hand on my shoulders and give me a light squeeze, letting me know they’re there and supporting me in whatever comes our way.

“Your mates have fueled you,” Death answers. “And now that you feel safe enough to access your power, it will only continue to grow. You’re correct—you no longer belong here. You are a goddess in your own right.”

“But if I’m a goddess…” This is still hard to wrap my head around. Sure, my guys kept calling me their goddess, but I thought it was just them being adoring with a nickname. “What would I be a goddess of?”

“Your ancestor was the death god of karmic justice.” Death moves closer and I swear I can see beyond the shadow of his cloak—everything and nothing. “So your path should be in line with that manifestation.”

“I’d be a death god?” My mouth goes dry with the implications.

What am I?

“Well, that, but for karmic justice,” Karma adds.

“How so?” My heart pounds in my chest. It was one thing to be a reaper, but this feels like the beginning of something huge.

“We believe you are meant to be the goddess to keep an eye on all the gods and entities.” Karma moves closer, and I feel her power more keenly than before. I definitely have more juice.

“You can keep the gods in line,” Karma adds. “Make sure they aren’t abusing their power—like Instant did.”

“I’d be like the god police? Keeping them in check? Keeping tabs?”

“And be their executioner, if it’s required,” Death says, like that isn’t a big fucking deal.

“Why me?” Panic rises in me. This feels like too much responsibility. To be police, judge, jury, and executioner.

“You have an innate sense of karmic balance. Justice.” Karma nods to Death. “We can both see you will make the correct calls when it comes to big decisions about how to enact that justice. You aren’t prone to overreacting. Instead, you have a habit of using intuition and making rational decisions. That will only grow with experience and learning to trust your enhanced instincts. We expect with your devotees at your side, they will help keep you grounded in your new role.”

“We get to stay with her?” Kurtis blurts out.

Karma smiles. “Yes, I relieve you of your Karma duties to support your new goddess. All four of you will be as immortal as any other god.” She looks at me. “What do you say, Tessa?”

I don’t answer, but spin to talk to my guys. Ultimately, this is my decision. But if they are my soulmates, I want to check in with them.

Their faces are filled with excitement, fear, pride, and so many other emotions that I can hardly process it all.