“I support you,” Dante says before I can ask their thoughts.
“No matter what,” Evan adds.
I look at Kurtis, and he smiles.
“This sounds scary as fuck.” Kurtis grasps my hand and holds it to his chest. “But it also sounds like it’s what you are meant todo. And if I can be by your side, loving you, worshiping you, then that’s what I want. If you’ll have me.”
I reach out to them, an unspoken agreement in our eyes. We’re doing this. Taking on the big bad in the universe. And I get to do it with my men at my side.
We fall into a group hug and a golden glow lights up our bodies. I sense it goes deeper, down to the soul level. We are born anew with our acceptance of our upgraded powers.
Finally, I have people in my life who I trust and who trust me. People who love me unconditionally.
Tears well in my eyes as I realize I get to spend the foreseeable future with my best friends, my fellow spiritual warriors, and my loves. Together, we will help heal the world.