The incubus wraps his arms and his shadows around the phoenix, and I feel the love he has for Calder. And weirdly, I sense the love Calder has for him. Then I remember an incubus can feel and feed off powerful emotions too.

Their love overwhelms me. It’s all consuming.

Will I ever have love like that? If some part of Osen is still inside me, then my fears might be real. The guys are only attracted to me because of his power.

* * *

I wake and stare at the ceiling. I don’t like this feeling that I will soon be rejected.

The two living heaters next to me snore softly, but it’s too loud for me to go back to sleep. Maxum is pressed too close to my one side and Arran’s beast form is practically on top of me. Aw, the berserker really does like me. Weighted blankets have nothing on these guys.

I sort of hate the attention and love it at the same time. I love that they are so affectionate with me, because yeah, who wouldn’t love two amazing, hot guys loving on them. They are so attractive, that even the straightest of straight guys would question moving away from their sexy bodies.

But alas, I must pee, and I need to clear my head after the mind fuck I just had.

When I try to extricate myself from the supernatural puzzle pieces, they mutter and groan. I assure them I will be back…

But maybe not this morning… We’ll see how it goes.

I open the door to the bedroom and feel a strange sense that someone’s watching me. My eyes instantly lock onto the space in front of me.

I am not alone.




I’m startled when I sense the enchanting witch has awoken.

She cracks open the bedroom door and peeks out. Her eyes instantly land on my location, even though it should be impossible for her to see me.

I wonder—not for the first time—what the nature of her power is.

“Hello?” she calls quietly. “Who’s there?”

I make myself visible, and she gasps. Her pretty hazel eyes widening in surprise.

“How did you just appear like that?” She frowns, having realized I’m stalking her. “Andwhatare you doing out here?”

“I’m making sure no one comes to hurt you.” I rub my neck nervously. “Even if it’s only to ensure that if Osen is inside you, he doesn’t make you do things against your will again.”

“Oh, Flint.”

With my keen eyesight, I can see her sweet, pale coloring turning a shade of pink.

“You don’t have to do that… you need to rest too, don’t you?” she asks the last part with confusion, wondering if I do.

“Yes. I need to rest, but not as much as a human. I only came out here to keep an eye out for trouble when I sensed Maxum and Arran drifted off.”

She closes the door behind her and joins me in the hall, but keeps her distance. Distance she creates because she knowsIneed it.

I curse myself for my problems. I never wanted to make her uncomfortable or make her hurt herself like she did when she arrived at the house.

“Are you worried that I’m going to bring more trouble?” she asks.

“Not you… not on purpose. I’m worriedforyou,” I explain, so she doesn’t get the wrong impression. Just because I’m not in her bed doesn’t mean that I’m in Calder’s camp.