“You didn’t know that Trouble is my middle name?” Jade sighs and frowns.
I have failed her. “I didn’t. Is this why you named your familiar Trouble? Please, forgive my ignorance. I will learn what I can to better protect you.”
She folds over with mirth and almost reaches out for my arm to stabilize herself before quickly pulling back. Once again, I regret my condition.
“Oh, sweetie. I don’t expect you to know anything about me. And I’m sorry. I was just messing around. I thought you would have heard that joke before.”
I’ve been far too serious for too long. Maxum tries to jest with me. So I take a page from his book. “Well… I thought your parents may have had a premonition and knew your nature.”
“You have been around for centuries, right?” She smiles and somehow I don’t feel like she is mocking my ignorance. “Wait a minute! You are messing around with me! You knew my parents didn’t name me Trouble from a premonition!” She is wheezing with laughter.
It makes my heart thump wildly that I’ve made her joyful.
When she settles a bit, I answer, “Yes, I have been around for four hundred and twenty three years. However, I’m not usually attuned to the current lingo or… jokes.” I hang my head in frustration. The knowledge that I have missed things because I haven’t been more adaptable in my long years or engaged in banter with the pack more often weighs heavily in my mind.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to make fun of you. I only tease the people I like.” Jade bites her lip and then asks, “Were you really that worried about me?”
“I am worried. Osen shouldn’t have forced you into the alley, and I’m frustrated with myself that I didn’t sense the danger you were in. You almost died.”
“Do you always sense danger?”
She knows so little of our world. Maxum and Arran need to correct that. I suppose she is asking me now, so I should impart whatever wisdom and knowledge that I can.
“I do. It isn’t a foolproof detection system—obviously. However, I can usually sense when an innocent is about to be harmed.”
Her lip protrudes in what I assume is a pout. “Maybe I’m not all that innocent. What if I did something wrong, and I just don’t remember?”
I step closer and then realize that might intimidate her because of our size differences, especially in close quarters, so I take a half step back. “Do you believe that?”
“I don’t remember what happened when Rob hypnotized me with a spell. So, what else could I have done?”
“If he used you, then you would still be innocent.” A silence settles between us, and I nod toward the kitchen. “Were you on your way to seek sustenance?”
“Yeah. Asnack,” she says with emphasis, subtly reminding me of the current vernacular. “I’ve been diagnosed with a medical condition.”
My whole body goes on alert so I can help her with whatever ails her.
With a heavy sigh, she grabs a bag of chips out of the huge walk-in pantry. “I have insom-nom-nom-nia,” she says as she munches on the crispy processed potatoes. Her eyes twinkle. It’s not a metaphor, they truly light up like she is more than just a witch.
I grin at her jesting with me and because I’m delighted by her unusual magic. “I recognize thatisa joke.”
“I can’t seem to help it.” Jade worries her lip, thinking. Then she slides onto a stool at the kitchen bar, taking another bite of chips.
“You need something more nourishing than that.” I nod to the bag and am tempted to pull the garbage food from her hands. But that’s something Maxum or Calder might do, and I’m not that rude. “Your magic needs whole, clean ingredients to thrive. And you especially need good food since you are building your magic inside you to its full potential, possibly for the first time.”
She drops the handful of chips back into the bag and sets it down. “I suppose you’re right. I’ve been meaning to eat healthier for a long time now. It’s just…”
Something inside me suddenly realizeswhyshe’s been holding back in taking proper care of herself. It’s a feeling I’m all too familiar with.
I lean forward, daring to get closer. Even though there’s an entire kitchen island between us, it feels like I’m pressed up against her body. Another feeling stirs within me… lower. I swallow nervously since I haven’t feltthat wayin four hundred years.
Once I’m clearheaded enough to speak again, I say, “You are worthy of everything good.”
Jade shivers ever so slightly.
“Are you cold?”
She must be. The tiny scraps of clothing she has on for sleeping can’t keep her warm enough. Human witches are sensitive to heat and cold.