Could it be?

My thoughts rush to Calder. Not as I see him when he looks at me, with anger in his eyes, but through Osen’s eyes, showing me how he looked at the incubus when he was alive.

Calder’s image materializes and moves to stand face to face, hunger in his eyes. I realize I’m taller. Could this be Osen’s memory? Is it a leftover from merging with Osen? Or is this memory being pulled from Osen right now?

During our first days together, when his ghost was completely drained, this was how things unfolded. My hopes rise that I will return my guys’ friend to them.

The nagging doubt also returns that some, if not all, of their attraction to me is only because of Osen’s seductive presence.

No point dwelling on the negative. Enjoy the ride and all that. Nothing is guaranteed. They might talk a big game and perhaps even have the best intentions, but life isn’t filled with happily ever afters.

I might have to take the ‘happy for now’for as long as I can.

In this memory, Calder doesn’t have the haunted look I have come to know. Perhaps this is from before his last death caused by the witch. My senses tell me I’m correct.

His hand reaches up and strokes the side of my face—Osen’s face. “Please, hold off your shadows so I can have this moment.”

Ah, yes, the incubus shadows will immobilize Calder when he is ready to feed. Does this mean that Calder can never actively participate when they are intimate?

My heart aches from the longing in his eyes… to return a loving touch.

“I’ll try,” Osen says. “But you know how much I need you.”

“More than the others?” Calder is so vulnerable—emotions raw.

It feels wrong to be here, but I can’t leave. I’ve tried.

“You know you are special to me, do you really need me to say it?” Osen asks.

I want to slap the damn fool. Of course, Calder needs it. I can see it written all over his pretty, desperate face.

Osen sighs wearily. “You are the only one who satisfies me.” Then his patience is gone, and he slams his mouth against Calder’s, claiming him.

The phoenix goes stone still from the paralytic shadows wrapping around him. I’m relieved when I hear Calder’s moan of approval.

Osen’s hand clenches Calder’s jaw. “You are on your knees today.” His shadows shove Calder to the ground. “Do you like that? Do you want to suck my cock?”

“Yes, sir, please,” he begs.

Well, damn. I feel a rush of power as Osen’s shadows feed on Calder’s lust.

“Then be a good pet and open your mouth for me.”

From my encounters with Osen, I know a cubi’s feeding partner can only move their eyes and mouth.

But seeing Calder’s hungry eyes stare up at Osen and open his mouth for him, I’m more than turned on by this power dynamic in action. Osen loves being the dom, and Calder is an eager submissive.

I idly wonder if he’s only a sub for his incubus. Or is this what turns him on in general? I’m guessing it’s the latter and that’s why they are a good match.

Osen plunges his cock into Calder’s mouth… and holy hell, I can feel all of it. I can never tell the phoenix that I know how it feels to have him suck my cock.

He pumps into Calder’s mouth, and his shadows stroke and explore Calder’s body.

I swear I think I’m going to orgasm in my sleep. Will Maxum and Arran know how naughty I’ve been watching this pay-per-view sexy incubus feeding?

When he comes, I think my soul might hiccup right out of my own body.

Osen drops down to kneel in front of his love. He kisses him, tasting his cum on Calder’s tongue. “Goddess, I missed you.”