“Always, for you.” Lalo nods her acknowledgment and zips away to continue searching for my missing mate.
“Do you think the only reason the little ones liked me growing up was that I mirrored Twyla’s creature magic?” I ask, my voice sounding sad and lost.
“No.” Oakes kisses my temple. “You won their loyalty by yourself. Twyla’s gift might be used to speak to creatures, and she possibly has influencer magic, but it doesn’t create long-lasting fondness—usually, it creates the opposite.”
Riding ahead of us, Merlara overhears our conversation and asks, “What is this about mirror magic?”
I hesitate before offering to explain, but then realize there’s no harm. I no longer seem to have magic since my changeling mark and mating bonds were severed. “I seemed to have been able to use mirror magic, probably from Twyla’s bond. When I was mate bonded, I could mimic my mates’ powers. But we had little time to explore that before…”
“Before your bond was broken.” Merlara turns and says, empathy heavy in her voice, “Wyn, I never noticed any magical abilities when you were growing up.”
“But isn’t it why I was allowed in the faerie grove?”
“Oakes is correct. Their acceptance was because you cared about them and developed a relationship growing up.” Merlara nods in the direction Lalo has flown. “Lalo and her family were freed because of what you said to the prince. That is why they are loyal to you, and why other creatures have come to your aid. Not because of any creature-wrangling magic.”
“The bear that killed the ghoul attacking you,” Oakes adds, “It knew who you were.”
I frown. “Or I was just controlling all of them without realizing it.”
“You weren’t controlling them,” Merlara scolds me and my dark thoughts.
I’m about to protest again, but Lalo and several dozen faeries appear, waiting for Oakes, Merlara, and me.
Merlara pulls two swords from her large saddlebag and offers me one. “Here.”
My eyes go wide at the forbidden sword. “I can’t use a weapon on elves. What if I get caught?”
“There’s no other option. I believe they mean to kill you,” Oakes argues. “So, at least use it for protection to defend yourself. You don’t have to wound or kill anyone. Just block the blows.”
“And you’ve practiced with them enough to block a blow.” Merlara smirks knowingly.
“You’ve known all along?” I ask, shocked that my keeper allowed me to break the law all these years.
Merlara’s expression grows solemn. “Yes. And I’m glad you knew how to protect yourself when you left my care. It seems it has saved your life.”
I finally accept the sword and test its weight in my hand. I recognize the design as one of Merlara’s best and most expensive. It’s a sword created for the noble class, encrustedwith enchanted gems and protection sigils. “But this is meant for royalty.”
“Youareroyalty. By birth and by mate.” Merlara raises an eyebrow defiantly. “And even if you weren’t, you deserve a piece reflective of your inner strength. It’s the least I can gift you for all the suffering and hard work you did for me.”
“Thank you.” I blush, grateful for the generous gift and acknowledgment. Then I think of my mate,the prince, being held captive by his own people. I square my shoulders and set my jaw. “Let’s go rescuemyprince.”
In response, Oakes urges his horse forward, leaping into the clearing that surrounds the shelter.
Three guards run forward, drawing their swords.
Merlara’s steed is behind Oakes and me. Then she charges at the soldier on the far right.
The faeries zip around the soldiers, yanking on their uniforms and flying at the soldiers’ eyes to confuse them.
One faerie is knocked to the ground and narrowly misses being crushed by Oakes’ horse.
Still sitting in the saddle, Oakes blocks a blow from a foot soldier. Knowing he can do more damage on his own two feet and without worrying about harming me, he jumps down from his horse.
I grab the reins and block a swing from the third soldier with my new sword. Not wanting to take a life limits my options to only defensive moves.
Then the fourth soldier charges at me, and I worry the elf will take my life. I can’t fend offtwotrained soldiers with my limited training and hesitancy in landing a killing blow.