Page 91 of Chaos Tempted

But instead of attacking me, the fourth soldier thrusts his sword into the back of the elf I’m fighting. I look at the soldier’s face and realize it’s Corwin, our trusted guard.

“You’re alive!” we both exclaim, astonished.

When we turn to see Oakes, the soldier he has been fighting falls to the ground in a bloody heap.

Merlara is already calmly wiping the blood off her sword.

Oakes nods his thanks to Corwin, then turns his attention to the little cabin. “The prince is in there?”

Corwin rushes toward one of the fallen elves and searches the elf’s pockets. “There is a special key to unlock the spell.”

“Corwin!” Eldrin yells from inside. “What’s happening?”

Standing in front of the door to the shelter and hearing my love’s voice inside, I gulp back my tears. “It’s Wyn! I’m here!”

“What?” Eldrin sounds confused. “That can’t be. Goddess, I’m going insane,” he mumbles. “Wyn’s gone…”

Corwin unlocks the door and steps aside for Eldrin to see me.

“Wyn!” Eldrin cries and runs forward. Embracing me so tightly I think my ribs crack, he exclaims, “I thought you were dead. Oh, my stars!” He trails kisses all over my face and down my neck. “My love, my princess. Why can’t I feel you?”

“We don’t know,” Oakes answers because I’m crying too hard to speak. “We think the break in our bond might have to do with Twyla.”

“But you both are alright?” Eldrin reaches out and clasps Oakes’ shoulder, eyes shining with tears.

“Yes.” Oakes nods toward my former keeper. “Thanks to Merlara.”

Merlara bobs a curtsy. “Your Highness.”

Eldrin glances up and notices the faeries buzzing over our heads. “And thanks to our flying friends?”

Lalo dips her head to her prince. “Master Jaden is on his way.”

At that moment, we all turn to watch Jaden crash through the brush.

“Wyn!” Jaden runs, crashing into me and wrapping his arms around me while I’m still enfolded in Eldrin’s embrace.

The two large males almost suffocate me between their massive chests.

“I wouldn’t believe them until I saw you with my own eyes.” Jaden tilts my head up to him with a finger on my chin and kisses me with his particularly intense brand of passion.

I’m dizzy by the time I break from his kiss and need air. I step back a little to create more breathing room, while still maintaining contact with them both.

“I was so worried about all of you.” Eldrin briefly cups Jaden’s cheek affectionately. That he cares deeply for him and is relieved he’s alive is obvious to us all.

Daylor and Baelen enter the clearing. “All good. There’s no one else around.”

Corwin jumps, surprised by his colleagues’ sudden appearance, and looks around hopefully. “Where’s Agis?”

Daylor grimaces. “He didn’t make it. Turgon’s soldiers killed him when we got separated at the portal.”

“His loss will be felt by all of us.” Eldrin frowns, looking down, then clears his throat of emotion. “Speaking of Turgon… he claims King Nathaniel declared war on Elfhame.”

“It’s begun,” Jaden confirms. “We could only watch as the soldiers were unleashed at the portal.”

“Turgon might come back for you soon,” Corwin warns Eldrin. “We should get out of here—to be safe.”

“No. We need to stop the war.” Eldrin strokes my cheek. “For both our peoples.”