Rhys seems to have the same thought as I do. “Thank you for your time,” he says, and holds the door open for me. After we walk down the hallway and are alone, the commander turns to me. “It appears we will need to break them out.”
“But…” I was thinking the same thing, but I didn’t expect Rhys to join in the madness. Yet, he’s the one suggesting it. “No. It’s too much of a risk for you. I can hide from King Nathaniel’s wrath in the fae realm. But what will you do? You have built a life here.”
Rhys shakes his head. “What kind of life will it be if we are thrust into war by stubbornness and malice?”
“I understand, but you shouldn’t get involved.” I glance down the halls, checking for unwanted company. “However, I will take any advice you have to offer.”
“What I just saw confirms there’s something wrong with my king.” Rhys points to the dungeons. “He is murdering them. This isn’t the same man I have grown to admire.”
“I don’t suspect it is,” I say, gazing into the distance. Influencer magic is probably at the heart of the matter.
“Will you tell me what is really happening?” Rhys stares at me intensely. “You know something about his unusual behavior, don’t you?”
I bite my lip. I want someone to know all my secrets, but is Rhys the right person? Can I trustanyone?
“There’s magic involved—” Then I quickly add, “I think.”
“Shh.” Rhys places his hand on my back and swiftly moves me down the hallway. “To my quarters.Now.”
I’m shocked by his suggestion, but I allow him to steer me to his modest room.
Once safely inside, he spins to look me in the eye. “What do you mean—magic?”
“Uh, well… King Nathaniel seemed to become irrationally upset yesterday. It felt like somethingmadehim act that way. Oakes confirmed my suspicion of magic in the air when he was dragged out of the room.”
“What was wrong with you yesterday?” His eyes narrow.
I’m flustered, but I know I have to tell him everything I can, since he is my only ally right now. “Someone put a spell on me.”
“And you camehere?” Rhys steps closer. “Why?”
I can feel the heat of his body, and I grow nervous that he might attack me. “My mates thought?—”
“They thought someone in the mortal realm had caused it?” Rhys pulses with agitation.
I don’t know how to answer without giving away Twyla’s secrets.
“Is it the princess?” he whispers.
My eyes widen, but I don’t respond to confirm or deny his guess.
“I thought so.” Rhys steps away and paces the small room. “I have had my suspicions for a while now. Is she a spy from Elfhame?”
I gave my father my word not to confess that there had been a switch when we were infants. Will my silence be enough to convey the truth to Rhys without betraying my promise?
“So you aren’t part of the elves’ campaign for war, are you?” Rhys asks.
“No. We all are trying to help my…uncle.”
A light in Rhys’ eyes turns on. “Youare the true princess. Is Twyla an elf in disguise? A changeling?”
Panicked, I back up toward the door, hoping to escape his very accurate interrogation of guesswork. I completely underestimated the commander’s intelligence.
“You are sworn to secrecy. I understand.” Rhys nods vigorously. “But I can feel that I’m right. I could see the truth in how the king looked at you.”
“I really don’t knowwhatis truly going on. Not yet.” I wring my hands. What if Rhys is going to kill Twyla or expose me? What if Twylaisinnocent? “The saboteur could be someone else controlling it all—likely a powerful mage.”
Rhys sees the fear in my eyes. “Rest easy. I won’t act against the princess without proof of a crime. First, we get you and your elves back to Elfhame safely.”