Rhys helps me secure my old quarters in King Nathaniel’s castle so that I don’t have to spend my time in Twyla’s suite. It gives me some solace to be in the room where Oakes and Jaden gave me such delicious pleasure.
I notice that there is no obvious castle guard watching my chambers, but I still expect the castle to be alert to my movements, especially after my plea to the dungeon master.
Only an hour passes after seeing my elves when Rhys returns and knocks.
When I open the door, I can hear the castle fluttering as if some unsettling event has happened.
The red-headed captain slips into my room. His face is tight with anxiety.
“What’s happened?” I try to reach out through my mate bond, but I can’t sense them. “Is it something to do with my elves?”
“No.” Rhys drags his hands through his auburn hair and pulls, making it stand up wildly. “Monsters are attacking the villagers.”
“Monsters?” I know that whatevermonstershe’s speaking of most likely come from Elfhame. “How many? What do they look like?”
“Dozens upon dozens, maybe? They are hideous. Bloated bellies and reek of death.”
“Ghouls,” I say knowingly. I have smelled their horrid stench twice now.
“But they didn’t come through the portal that we have been watching.” Rhys shakes his head. “There must be another one close by that we don’t know about.”
“I’m sure the powerful people behind the attacks have created another portal.” I shrug, unsure of all the secrets behind a portal’s creation, but I know one thing. “From what I understand, only mages have the magic to make them.”
“AnElvenmage is behind this?” Rhys whistles his concern, showing his familiarity with the tales of powerful mages that can bend almost anything to their will.
“Maybe?” I shrug.
“So, a mage being involved would explain everything that’s happened here.”
“Yes.” My eyes widen in alarm as I realize what the ghoul attack means for me. “But now, with the castle on alert… How will we get the elves out? I don’t think they will last much longer. They appeared to be at death’s veil.”
“Perhaps this chaos can be used to our advantage.” Rhys grabs my hand and rushes out of my room, pulling me toward the dungeons.
With the rapid pace Rhys sets, I can’t ask about his plan. We meant to work it out when he returned to my room, but now it seems like we’re going to improvise. Or perhaps he has already formulated a plan on his own. I don’t argue. Everything in me wishes to be closer to my mates. I feel as if I can’t breathe with them cut off from me.
As Rhys and I approach the dungeon stairwell, a guard blocks our way by stepping in front of us. “No one is allowed in.”
“I’m a commander of the king’s soldiers.”
“I don’t care.” The guard sets his jaw. “Those are my orders.”
“Direct from theking?” Rhys asks with an emphasis on the royal aspect.
“Uh. No. But…”
“I am Princess Wynstelle, and I demand to see the elves. The king will be disappointed if you prevent me from finding out what they know of the attacks.”
“They know about the monsters?” the guard asks in shock, realizing he hadn’t thought of that possibility.
I sigh wearily. “If you move aside, I can determine that.”
The guard checks Rhys’ face again for an official confirmation and then moves out of our way.