Page 40 of Chaos Tempted

“Yes. Wyn’s life is in constant jeopardy while he exists. Ihaveto challenge him… forallof Elfhame, and most importantly, for our mate.” I rub my face in frustration. “I don’t want to be king, but if he insists on starting an unnecessary war, what other choice does he leave me?”

“Then you will need to work on your combat skills, twice as hard.” Jaden gestures to my discarded sword. “Your father has years of experience on you, most of it in actual battles.”

I grimace, but jump back into sparring with renewed focus.




Extra guards are posted outside my chambers. Wyn and I nod to them as we retire to my suite for the night.

Wyn wanders over to my plush reading chair and collapses into it.

“Oakes must have worn you out,” I say.

She shrugs. “Well,someof my fatigue is from the psychic training…”

“Did Eldrin let you get any sleep last night?” I smirk, moving swiftly to hold her.

Wyn grins wistfully. “Probably not enough.”

Through our bond, I sense something feels off. She’s not alright.

I squat down to eye level and search her eyes. “Something’s bothering you, my love.”

“I’m nervous about being an ambassador. And I’m worried about the coming war. I think that is enough to start…”

“Potentialwar.” I stroke her cheek to soothe her.

Wyn leans into my touch. “But King Magnus and the humans will try to ignite tensions again. And it sounds as if I’m the key to starting it. I might have already set things into motion just by showing up in Ryven.”

“You aren’t responsible for any of this.” I capture her chin when she tries to look away. “No one needs the excuse of spilling your blood to start a war. If violence is in their hearts, then they will create a reason no matter how transparent.”

“Do you think Twyla will hurt my father?” Wyn studies my eyes carefully for the truth in my response.

“I can’t say.” I frown, wishing I had the gift of divination instead of heightened senses. “During the war, I saw many seemingly honorable people commit atrocities. Perhaps no one is immune to the darkness inside themselves.”

“Really?” Wyn shivers at the thought.

We are both wondering what we might do if faced with horrible choices.

I wrap my arms around her and scoop her up. “We will not solve the problems of the realms tonight, so we might as well get some sleep.” After carrying her into my bedroom, I slowly undress her, taking care with every simple touch.

“I know we can’t fix anything tonight,” Wyn says. “But we can comfort each other.”

“So just sleep?” I smirk playfully, then tug at the hem of my shirt.

My clothes quickly disappear from my body, and Wyn laughs at how fast I’m at disrobing. My hands then slip to her waist. “First, I have to relax you properly.”

Her hand caresses my hardened cock. “It seems as if you are holding a lot of tension right here.” She gently strokes my length. “Do you have any suggestions on how to take care of it?”

My lips meet hers, and the power of a slow seduction washes over us. One of my hands slides down between her legs, finding her slick with need. “Well, I think if we massage mytension… into yourtension, then we might work it out of our systems.”

Wyn sighs and shrugs, feigning nonchalance. “I suppose. If you think that’s best.”

My protective and confident personality is exactly what she needs right now. Fortunately, I’m just the distraction she desires.