“It’s no sacrifice on our part. You have already made us better than we were.” Eldrin kisses my wrist. “Without even knowing it, you challenged so many of our beliefs about ourselves, the realms, and even each other.”
Oakes projects his safe energy around me with a gaze. “You have stolen our hearts, and the only way we can survive is by being near you.”
I gasp at his proclamation. My worries are dismissed when I stare up into their loving eyes and my heart opens. I can finally feel what each of them carries deep inside his heart.
After glancing once more around the room, I ask, “Where are your ritual objects?”
“Are you saying—” Jaden asks without finishing.
“Yes.” I gaze into each one’s eyes in turn. “I’m saying yes… to all of you.”
Eldrin breathes deeply, “But first, a quick confession of my own.”
My heart pounds with his announcement.
I have just finally said yes, and now I wonder if I shouldn’t have.
After he announces he has a confession, Eldrin smiles to ease everyone’s nerves.
Jaden and Oakes soften their tense shoulders.
Not swayed by his calm appearance, I firmly grip the sheets beneath me. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Eldrin holds his hands up in surrender to settle me. “Twyla told me there’s a way to have a true connection with you, perhaps even deeper than most Elven couples have.”
I perk up, relieved it isn’t more bad news. “What do you mean?”
“Most mated elves have a vague sense of each other. It’s usually big emotions like fear, pain, and even bliss.” Eldrin gestures toward Oakes. “His natural ability already allows him a measure of that with all of us, but I didn’t know that you and I could have that kind of connection through a bond since we are different species. However, Twyla isn’t sure it will work… muchlike with your possible gift of longevity,” Eldrin explains, his face showing how that idea upset him.
“You would want a bond like that withme?” I touch my heart and lose my breath. “But I would be a distraction to all of you. I’m sure I’ve already been a massive irritation to Oakes, even when I wasn’t being attacked.”
“A welcome distraction.” Oakes winks. “And with an Elven mating bond, just as with my own powers, one must focus on the ability for it to work, since only intense emotions would activate it on its own.”
“Like when I was in danger?” I ask, beginning to understand the advantages of that kind of bond.
“Exactly, and it would be a warning alarm if you were to come into trouble again.” Jaden sounds excited by the prospect of protecting me.
I grimace. “We should probably count on there being another attack.”
Ignoring my pessimism, Eldrin asks, “Would you want this connection with me?”
“Could I sense you through the bond, too?” I wonder aloud.
“Twyla said youshouldbe able to, especially because you have been linked to Elven magic since you were an infant. But we won’t know the depth of the connection until we try.”
“I would like to be connected to you.” I stare wistfully into space, excited to belong after all these years. “When I met Twyla, I felt connected to something larger than myself. Would it be like that?”
“From those we know who are mated, yes. There’s a sense of completeness through the link of the mate bond.” Oakes moves closer and strokes my other hand to reassure me.
“I want that with all of you, if you choose to have it too. Then…” I smile in what I hope looks seductive. “When can we get back to the kissing and touching?”
Eldrin grins. “In just a moment. Please stand with us.” He helps me off the bed and to my feet.