All three males stand in a row at the foot of the bed.
I stare at them expectantly, then fluster, not understanding why they are so far away when all I want is to have their bodies pressed against mine. “What’s going on? Why did you stop?”
“We aren’t pressuring you, but we want to know where this is going. If you just want to experience our affection, that is fine,” Eldrin says. “But if you are ready for the mate bonding now, I have the ceremonial objects here.”
“Objects?”My eyes widen at his statement, and I glance around the room, looking for the objects in question.
“Just in case…” Eldrin quickly adds, “Well, for the eventual possibility of our bonding.”
“Bonding means that you finally will beinsideme.” I nod, understanding his meaning. “And if we… uh, copulate, will I get pregnant?”
“No,” Jaden says confidently. “You’re not in estrus, and even then, it’s difficult forelvesto conceive. And there has never been a documented case of human-elf conception. Our two species don’t produce offspring.”
“You cantellif I’m able to become pregnant?” My face flushes red. “You can smell me,oh my stars…”
“Don’t be ashamed of your body, especially around us.” Jaden leans forward and caresses my ankle.
“You each truly want me for a mate?” I ask, feeling sad, knowing truly for the first time that I won’t have children. “Eldrin, perhaps we should rethink this if I can’t give you offspring—an heir.”
“Then we will adopt,” Eldrin suggests. “I never cared much about continuing my line, anyway.”
His words soothe me a bit. But another worry comes to mind, and I ask him, “And you won’t fight over the bond with Jaden and Oakes?”
“I can’t promise a bit of jealousy if I don’t get to spend enough time with you. However, I believe Jaden and I have resolved most of the tension between us… from my misdeeds from our past.” Eldrin smiles and looks at Jaden. When Jaden nods to him, he continues, “I expect we can be bond brothers now and proper mates for you.”
So something had gone wrong in their past. I idly wonder what it was, but I push it aside since I won’t force them to tell me every private thing.
Eldrin barely suppresses a frown. “But if you don’t want one of us, we will handle your decision with as much grace as possible.”
“Uh, first, I have a confession to make.” I bite my lip, and I can feel their tension. I imagine they envision all kinds of horrible secrets.
“You can tell us anything,” Oakes says, but his voice betrays his worry.
“You might reconsider your offer after you hear this.” I clear the lump in my throat and try to remain calm. “And I would understand. I suppose I shouldn’t have kept it to myself.”
Their foreheads furrow with concern.
“Please, tell me before I imagine something horrible,” Eldrin pleads.
“Twyla told me something before I left the mortal realm.” I drop my head.
“What?” Eldrin whispers and steps closer.
“She believes she gifted me her Elven longevity when I received her healing energy through the link I share with her. Twyla isn’t sure if it will actually work to extend my life, but it’s something I’ve been worried about. I don’t want to get your hopes up—or mine. Even if it does work, Twyla doesn’t think I will live as long as an elf, but perhaps at least a few hundred years. Or I could live an extra hundred years, but I might be brittle and weak most of that time. There’s no way to know until it happens. But if I keep my youth, then there will be a quickening toward the end of my life. I will then show my age and die.”
The males are quiet, waiting for more.
When they don’t respond, I explain further. Perhaps they are shocked and don’t understand. “So… I could be aroundmuchlonger than you expected.”
“Wyn, did you expect todisappointus with this news?” Eldrin smirks.
“I don’t know!” I huff, throwing my hands in the air in surrender. “Maybe you thought of me as a strange sort of fling,since you knew I wouldn’t last long. Then you could find a proper Elven mate—with Alcina.”
“Oh, my princess.” Eldrin sits down on the edge of the bed and takes hold of my hand. “Yes, elves are casual with nudity or sex or multiple partners, but you should know that we take a mate bondveryseriously.Ifwe were ever to take another mate after your death, it would be a weak imitation. A half-marriage, since our hearts will always remain yours.”
I shut my eyes in anguish, not wanting to hear how they will suffer after I’m gone. “Then you shouldn’t share a mate bond with me when you are giving up so much.”
“We are giving up nothing. We aregainingyou.” Jaden’s eyes flame seductively.