He cocks a brow and finally answers. “Most are at least a day’s ride away.”
“That’s too far for you to leave your post. I can’t ask you to do this.” I toss my pack on the table. “What if you don’t make it back on time for the ball?”
“The party? Oh no, that’s fine. I don’t like those events.” Jaden waves me off like I am a madwoman. “That’s more of Oakes’ and the prince’s forte. Eldrin will have to deal with only Oakes and my well-trained guards for his security.” His warm, large hands cup my shoulder. “Whatever grief Eldrin gives me, it will be worth it. I couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt because I was making small talk with some twit.”
I chuckle. “I don’t make any better company.”
“Untrue.” Jaden frowns at my self-deprecating comment. “Besides, I’d rather fight ghouls than dance.”
* * *
I pass the rest of the day reading about the mortal realm, an Elven historian’s version of it, at least. Jaden and Oakes made it sound like humans aren’t all bad. It gives me hope as I realize I will be a full-fledged human soon. I vaguely wonder if the fae magic that kept me alive as a baby might not extend back to the mortal realm. If Eldrin, Jaden, or Oakes had heard of that happening, they probably would have warned me of that. Unless that was how they secretly planned to eventually be rid of me.
I shake the negative thoughts from my head. I don’t truly believe they would be that cruel. They might not be completely upfront with me. With my whole situation up in the air, ready to crash down around me, I suppose I am on high alert for all dangers.
If the magic doesn’t hold, then I will have to be thankful that I even was allowed these last twenty years.
Jaden doesn’t leave me alone in my room for a moment, remaining here to go through his security reports at my table instead of his office.
Is Jaden here to protect me? Or is he here to make sure that I don’t run off? Will he actually help me return to the humans or try to convince me to stay at the last minute?
I shiver with uncertainty. I don’t want to go back to the mortal realm, but if I stay in Elfhame, then Eldrin will continue to pursue me, and my welcome amongst the fae has worn out.
From across the room, I watch Jaden, wondering if he ever felt the same attraction as I did. My back itches, reminding me why I shouldn’t allow Eldrin near me again. Someone might have secretly placed the mark to harm the prince. If I am cursed, which I likely am, then I’m putting Eldrin, Oakes, and Jaden in harm’s way. Perhaps I put the entire realm in danger just by speaking to Eldrin and upsetting Ryven’s diplomatic ties.
There’s a knock on the door.
Jaden lifts his hand to suggest I should stay where I am at my window seat.
He opens the door to find a guard checking in with him.
The stoic elf stares at me as he enters my room. “Master Jaden, everything seems to be proceeding smoothly. Prince Eldrin has approved your request to forego the ceremonies this evening.”
“Thank you.” Jaden gives the guard a curt nod. “I want constant patrols for Prince Eldrin’s keep. We don’t want him to suffer any incidents. There are a lot of unknown faces inside our walls this week.”
“Indeed,” the guard says with a hint of a sneer and shoots his gaze at me. He bows and watches me intently as he leaves.
I’d thought his subtly hostile behavior had gone unnoticed by Jaden, until he says, “He’s a bit of a troll, but a loyal troll.”
“He probably doesn’t think I’m a good influence on the prince.” I duck my head with regret. “Goddess, I’m really not wanted here.”
“That isn’t entirely accurate. If it weren’t for all the antagonistic eyes on the prince, all three of us would love to have you here indefinitely.” Jaden narrows his gaze on me, studying me. “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to Merlara instead of the mortal realm?” He sits down next to me in the window seat and stretches out.
I smile, but get up to go rest on my bed, propped up against the headboard and a book on my lap.
“I don’t think returning to Merlara is a good idea anymore.” Sorrow fills my voice. I never wanted any of this.
“Because of the ire of the elves?” Jaden asks.
“And because of Eldrin. He might not leave me alone if I remain in his lands.” I sigh. “But this is bigger than just the prince. The ghoul’s enchantment is certainly a deterrent to staying. Besides, maybe the humans aren’t as bad as Merlara made them out to be.” I pick at my fingers, wishing I knew more about my origins. “I don’t feel like a horrible creature, and not because I was raised here. Oakes said he was fond of some of them.”
“You are right. I thought some were fine folk.” Jaden tilts his head in contemplation. “Although they will be suspicious of outsiders. You won’t easily blend in, not right away.”
“Will they be hostile?” I ask, intrigued at the firsthand wisdom.
“I suppose some have violent tendencies, but I have met fae who are more violent.” His gaze grows intense. “I sense you’d rather return to Merlara instead of the mortal realm. But why? You were only a servant.”
“Merlara is a kind keeper.” I say, “Although I would have asked for more freedom if I went back—perhaps more time to read and relax. But I will have to risk everything and see where I end up with the humans. It will probably be another role as a servant. Which is fine, I’m not fussy. I can work hard.”