Page 76 of Between Realms

“Don’t you desire something better for yourself?” he asks, as if I have a plethora of choices.

“What are my options?” I trace my finger across the elaborate bedspread pattern. “I must try to find my way among humans. Though I can’t use my skills because, from what I have read, women aren’t accepted as bladesmiths—only as a wife to one. If I had a bit more education, I could be a tutor for well-to-do children. I wish I knew who my parents were and I could seek them out. Goddess, perhaps they are even still alive, but I will never know. If I had a name, then maybe my parents’ village might aid me, taking pity on an orphan.”

“Roul never gave you any details about finding you?” Jaden asks, sounding shocked by this bit. “Not even the name of a nearby village?”

“No.” I drop my head back to the headboard, feeling hopeless. “I don’t remember Roul. He died when I was an infant, not long after he brought me to Merlara. I asked her about it when I was older, but she doesn’t recall any details.”

“Maybe we could ask Mage Neven?” Jaden suggests.

“No. I won’t bother someone of her status with my problems.” I roll my eyes. I was lucky to have her give me the time of day when we met. “If she knew, don’t you think she would have offered that information when she was reading me?”

“Mages are strange. So no, I don’t assume anything about them.”

“Jaden, I appreciate your concern. But I can’t stay in this castle any longer, or even in Elfhame, not with Eldrin upsetting everyone with his ridiculous interest in me.”

I hate that this is the end of my story with these wonderful elves. My emotions swirl, feeling so lost and alone.

“Wyn, I’m sorry.” Jaden runs over and crawls up next to me. He pulls me into his arms. His heat washes over my body. Why does he feel so sublime? He’s like the dawning of the sun after a cold night. “I wish there was another way for you.”

I settle into him, basking in the comfort of his powerful arms. This is probably the last time I will have this comfort in my life. “At least I had a purpose when I helped Merlara. Now… I don’t know what will become of me. Will I find another reason to wake up in the morning?”

“You deserve more than a lonely life of labor.” Jaden strokes my back as I curl into him.

I rein in my chaotic emotions. I finally break down with Jaden. “You thought I was brave. But I don’t feel very brave at the moment.”

“You are. Braver than I am.” Jaden’s arms seem to block out the world. I stare up at his kind, gorgeous face, filled with concern and the flames of passion. He squeezes my body closer to his. The warmth from his hands radiates through my dress and into my low back.

I try to prevent it, but my body responds to his. My core heats, and I clench my thighs together.

I try to shift away, but Jaden resists giving me my space.

Even though I wish I could stay wrapped up in his embrace forever, I warn, “The prince would be angry if he came in right now.”

“First, I am only comforting you. Second, Eldrin has no claim on you. Not anymore. You are free. And you are free to stay in Elfhame.”

“I suppose he gave up his claim.” I relax in Jaden’s arms and press my head against his chest. I know it’s wrong to want him as much as I do.

I don’t even want to leave his hugs behind. In his tight embrace, I get the impression he doesn’t want to let me go, either.

“But just because he released me from his contract doesn’t mean I am free to go anywhere I want. Or do anything I please. I am human, a second-class citizen here, and I need Merlara as my Elven keeper to exist in this land.”

“It might appease the nobles to know you weren’tEldrin’sspecial guest anymore,” Jaden says. “A prince cannot keep you for himself without repercussions, but the king and the royal courts wouldn’t say anything if I were to claim you—”

“What? Are you insane?” I jump out of bed and stare at him. “I go from being the prince’s possession to being yours?” The idea that Jaden only wants me to be his servant, as an amusement, smashes away at my heart. “So you’d keep me around for the prince until he gets bored. Then what? I don’t want to bepassed aroundtoall the elves in the castle as some sort of entertainment. Iama person. With feelings.”

“What?” Jaden bolts from the bed and chases me across the room. He catches my chin, trying to make me look into his eyes. “Please, that’s not what I meant. I would never treat you as apossession.I would never share you. I thought… I only wished… to offer you a better life than you had. Or a happier one than you might find among humans. I thought you enjoyed my company.”

Why would he ask to be my keeper? It’s as I suspected—I’m just a possession to claim. Or am I the victim of a sick Elven game? “Please. Leave me alone.” I fold my arms across my chest.

Jaden glances at the window and my eyes follow his. Evening has arrived.

“I’ll give you a few moments to realize that I only have the best of intentions. I’m leaving just long enough to grab my traveling gear. You need to ready yourself, too.” His body vibrates with his frustration at being caught in his ploy to become my new owner. “Then we will go wherever you want to go. But donotleave without me, even if you are upset because you’ve misunderstood my intentions. It’s not safe out there for any human.” He waits at the door for my answer, then asks with a commanding voice, “Promise?”

When I don’t respond, Jaden crosses the room again. He wraps one arm around my waist. His other hand tilts my head up so that I have to look into his violet-colored eyes. “If you agreed to be mine, I would never give you up.Never. And it would be you who owns me.” His thumb traces my lower lip as he gazes into my soul.

I gulp and nod slowly. “I’ll wait.”

He presses his lips to my forehead in a chaste kiss and rushes away.