“Do you feel comfortable telling me why Eldrin would be upset with you?”
Odd. Eldrin didn’t inform his advisor of our fight. Or my wish to leave. Maybe he doesn’t believe my claim.
“I told him last night that I’m leavingbeforethe ball.” I mumble, “And I might have added in some other choice words and accusations.”
With a heavy exhale, Jaden sits back in his chair and studies me. “Was it Oakes who convinced you to leave now?”
“Oakes explained the risks to the realm and about Eldrin’s betrothed,PrincessAlcina.” I shrug, attempting to make it not hurt so badly. Perhaps I can convince myself that leaving these males behind means nothing to me. “I don’t really belong in Elfhame, let alone in this castle. I definitely don’t belong in the prince’s bed. Jaden, I have to get out of here. Soon.”
Picking at a piece of bread, he asks, “How did Eldrin take the news?”
“He said he plans for me to champion human relations in this realm.”
Jaden chuckles. “Is that what he’s calling what he does in your bed?”
“That’s what I said.” I smile despite the pain. The absurdity of it all is getting to me. “It’s ridiculous.Ican’t help change the minds of the Elven kingdoms about human policies.” I drop my face into my hands in exhaustion. “Especially when they are all upset that he is sharing my bed.”
“Actually, he might have had a point about you being a positive influence, but he goes about things carelessly, not thinking things through. You’re correct. He shouldn’t have taken you as a lover andthentry to claim you as an ambassador.”
“I need to leave Ryven and go back to where I belong—the mortal realm. It will be better for everyone. The ghoul attacks are likely just the beginning of the threats against my life. I’m not safe in Elfhame anymore. Besides, I will only cause you all more problems.”
Jaden leans forward, attentive. “Did you tell Eldrin that you wanted to return to the mortal realm?”
I stare at Jaden. Why is he so interested in the answer? I shake my head. “No. I didn’t confess my decision to risk returning to the human world. I realized that was what I needed to do after he left.”
Jaden quickly doles out the food platter and sets out a plate in front of both of us. “When were you thinking of leaving?” he asked, his voice soft.
Despondently, I pick at my plate. “Now. After we have finished speaking.”
Jaden tilts his head, watching and reading me. “But you don’twantto go.”
“I did when I first arrived.” I sigh. “But yes, you can see through me. I wanted a bit more and thought I could have a moment of pleasure before I returned to Betonie. I’ve enjoyed my alone time with the prince, and I suppose I allowed myself to dream I could truly belong. It hurts to even think about leaving you.” By his strange expression, I must have caught Jaden off-guard with my sentiment.
Jaden touches my hand. “I’m sorry I was…harshyesterday.”
“You don’t have to explain.” I pull my hand back. The contact is too much to process. His energy is overwhelming. If he gives me more affection, I might not find the will to leave. “Things will be put right for you all soon. I won’t be an issue after we finish this meal.”
“Are you planning on saying farewell to the prince?”
“So he can try to talk me out of it? Or stop me by locking me in this room?” Oh, Goddess. What if he does that?
I jump up and grab my pack, checking my things are inside. I gather a couple pieces of fruit, bread, and cheese on my cloth napkin, then wrap it all up, placing the rest of my breakfast in my bag. Moving behind the room partition, I remove my new clothes for the dress Merlara gave me for my court appearance.
“If you are going back to the mortal realm, I’m escorting you. You’ll need a royal elf or Elven guard to locate and open the portals anyway,” Jaden says over the thin screen. “Besides, I’d never forgive myself if you get hurt on the road.”
Adjusting my skirt as I emerge from behind the partition, I almost bump into him. I am surprised Jaden has moved across the room and is so close. I’m reminded that dangers can easily sneak up on me with my limited human senses. I think about the ghouls attacking living humans and shudder.
“Well, there are threats on the road, and I can’t carry a blade to protect myself.” I pause, thinking it through. “But the prince will punish you if you help me. I can’t stand to be the cause. Perhaps you trust one of your guards to help me?”
“I’ll deal with Eldrin’s wrath. I have before,” Jaden says. “We’ll depart this evening when the delegates are at their gathering.”
“Why not now?” I sling my pack onto my shoulder, signaling I’d rather run while I have the nerve.
Jaden braces my shoulders. “The delegates are arriving as we speak. There’s too much activity at the entrances. I have already promised the prince that I would keep you safe in your room for theday. Then I can fulfill my word to the letter of it.” Slowly, he slips the pack from my shoulder. “If we wait until he’s busy with the informal evening reception in the throne room, we can leave without his notice.”
I nod my consent. It’s a good plan to leave when everyone is occupied.
“How far is the closest portal?” I ask.