Page 42 of Between Realms

“Eldrin,” he corrects me. “Well, I… uh, I wanted to sleep next to you tonight.”

My heart thumps, worrying he means to have more than just sleep. Should I heed Oakes’ warning and turn the prince away?

“Oakes had told me about the ghoul attack and how he healed you through the night.” Eldrin nears the bed. “I was jealous.”

“Jealous?” I place my hand over my heart in shock. “What you did with me was much more intimate than that.”

“Invasive, but not intimate.” Eldrin sits on the edge of the bed. “I shouldn’t ask this of you, but I only want to hold you the way Oakes did. And I’mnotdemanding this favor. I only want from you what you give willingly, and if it is acceptable, to nestle beside you. It sounded as if you and Oakes had a moment of sharing and trust… I would like that with you, a moment of being… truly myself.”

I think he must have the magic of seduction since I want him near me again. It seems plausible that he doesn’t experience being his true self very often, if at all. Most in his kingdom aren’t even allowed to call him by his given name. Could he be interested in mebecauseI am something outside his restricted world? Maybe he thinkshecan be a different person than he usually is becauseIam different.

“By the way, I caught the wit in your comment on thevirtuousnessof my advisors. I let it pass because it amused me… and my advisors.”

Daring to be forward, I place my hand over his heart. “I swear nothing inappropriate has happened with either of them.”

“I know, but they enjoy your company.” There’s a wistfulness in his voice. “I suppose I’m also jealous that they seem to like you better than they like me.” He chuckles at himself.

I raise my eyebrows at that. The males hardly know me enough to like me. “Well, I’ve enjoyed their kindness.” My voice was unsure and quiet. “I suppose this is what it must be like having friends. But I wouldn’t really know, since I have never had a true friend before.”

“Truly?” The prince moves closer as if trying to make up for the lack. “Well, I can be your friend.”

“Oh. You want that? With me?” I choke on the idea a prince would want to be my friend. “It seems you would have plenty offriendsto sleep with.” I ask, “Why me?”

“I have had many elvesinmy bed, but they are not companions. We have fun, but I never fall asleep with them.”

“Why not? Do you not trust them?”

“I can’t say that I trust them, but it is more that I don’t want them to get the wrong idea about my intentions.”

The females probably assume he wants them as a life-mate, but to confirm my suspicions, I ask, “What idea is that?”

“That I would offer them more than one night.”

I think about how that is its own kind of loneliness—to never trust someone’s intentions. Maybe he wants a genuine connection with me. A friendship of sorts. Interrupting my quiet contemplation, he says, “I’m spoiled.” Then he sighs. “I must beexhausting.”

His self-deprecating humor relieves the tension that has built up in the room.

I burst out in laughter. “Just a bit, but I’ll allow you to join me while wesleep. If only to relievemyexhaustion.”

Eldrin grins widely and crawls up beside me. His natural sandalwood scent fills my senses. I want him to touch me again now that I know he doesn’t mean to harm me. Perhaps I can experience the pleasure he could bring me.

Tentatively, he pulls me close, as Oakes did when I’d been injured. He studies my face and lightly touches my cheek where my faint scars from the ghoul are highlighted by the candlelight. “Does your injury still hurt?”

“No. Oakes’ magic healed me.”

“He could probably make the marks disappear altogether.”

“Why should he bother with my scars?” I shrug. I don’t see the point of worrying about my appearance. Jaden made me feel as if he considered them a badge of courage.

“Oakes has an interest in your well-being.” Eldrin shifts away to read my expression. “Has he done anything to indicate otherwise?”

“No. Oakes has been…” I don’t know exactly what he has been, but he has shown deep concern. My comment about the scars has nothing to do with Oakes. “He’s been fine. I meant there’s no reason to fix me.”

“Why shouldn’t there be a reason?”

“It isn’t as if I am looking for a mate, especially if I’m staying in Elfhame.” I stare at him pointedly, reminding him of our deal. “No elf will care if a mortal servant has a marred face.”

“I care.” He growls low.