Page 43 of Between Realms

“So my ugliness bothers you?”

“What? I mean… well…” Eldrin stumbles over his words. “You’re beautiful… with or without scars, but…” He huffs when I smirk at his awkwardness. I enjoy flustering him. I suppose the faeries taught me something after all. I find it amusing to disarm him, to rid him of his royal composure. His gaze grows intense and seductive as he narrows his eyes, catching onto my teasing. “Your flawless inner beauty should reflect in your outer being.”

My eyes go wide at his flattery.

“Although…” His face twists in playful contemplation. “I believe you flustered me on purpose, which makes me question howniceyou are.”

“You told me to be brutal.” I smirk.

“No, I said brutallyhonest.”

“Oh, is there a difference?” I crinkle my eyes in an exaggerated wince.

Amused, he shakes his head at my silliness.

I settle back against his chest. “You can handle a bit of teasing, even if you are asspoiledas you claimed earlier.”

“I suppose I deserve some retribution.” Eldrin rests his head near mine and is quiet for a long while.

I think he has fallen asleep.

Then he asks, “Don’t you want a mate?”

“Why? Do you know a free human male in Elfhame?” I don’t want to know the answer, but maybe I can stop him from asking any more questions about mating if I point out I don’t have any options.

Why is he so interested in my having a mate? Even his sexual interest in me doesn’t account for that. Once his mortal obsession is over, he will move on and forget me—which only makes sense. Perhaps he still feels guilty for his previous behavior and wants to find someone to relieve his conscience when he sends me away?

“If you would like to know a human male, I hear a few are scattered throughout the realm. However, I wouldn’t presume to match you with just anyone.” Eldrin tightens his grip on me. “Would you want to meet them?” He sounds as if he doesn’t want to hear the answer.

“No.” I absentmindedly trail my fingers down his muscular arm. “I don’t know if I’d even like my kind. I’ve been reading about them in the books you lent me.”

“You’ve met no other humans in Elfhame?”

“I once saw one at a distance. When I was twelve years old, an elderly woman was traveling with her keeper. It was such an odd sight to see the woman’s wrinkled skin and fragile body. Even when elves are at an advanced age, they never look as tired as she did. I wanted to meet her, but Merlara refused to let me go near. I didn’t understand why. I still don’t. I’ve always assumed human servants weren’t allowed to socialize with other humans.”

“There is no law against socialization that I know of. Perhaps your keeper didn’t want you to worry about your own mortality.” Eldrin says, but his tone lacks conviction.


“If it would make you happy, I can locate the other humans, not as prospective mates necessarily, and summon them here so you can meet them.”

“Please don’t disrupt anyone’s life on my account. But thank you for the thought.” I snuggle into his chest. “Is it hard being a prince?” I’m not expecting him to answer me directly.

“Sometimes.” Eldrin chuffs. “Oh! Listen to me, whining that I have it hard. I sleep on the finest beds. Dress in the finest clothes. I have all my needs met—”

“But you don’t have all your needs met,” I interrupt.

Eldrin opens his mouth to protest but sighs instead, nodding.

“You don’t feel safe to be friends with the elves you meet.” I pull back to look him in the eye. “Do you trust Oakes and Jaden?”

“I trust them with my life.” There’s still hesitation in his voice.

“But other than keeping you alive?” I ask, my eyes wide with concern.

His face softens as he studies me. “Mostly, yes. They would never harm me or be disloyal. However, I have done things I’m not so proud of.” He breathes in deeply to continue. “I haven’t been kind when I should have been.”

“Have you made up for these trespasses?” I ask.