“You mean other than you, Oakes, and the prince when you make me strip down?” I poke. Let’s see if he really enjoys some trouble.
He blushes, and I find the effect irresistible on an elf. It appears he feels terrible about the situation.
“I’m sorry I stayed yesterday.” Jaden steps closer, his voice soft. “But I know humans are delicate, and I worried for your safety. Eldrin doesn’t know his own strength sometimes since he has just come into his power. But I had honestly thought you were agreeable to his arrangement. If you hadn’t said yes, I would have stopped him.”
I feel my face redden, remembering my poor choices. “I was agreeable, at first. But then suddenly, it was all too much. I’ve never even had a malelookat me before that way, only with disapproval. His interest in me, his attention was exciting, and… then I thought about what Merlara said about human men taking women against their will and sometimes killing them. Suddenly, I feared for my life.”
“I never would have let him abuse you.”
“How can I know this to be true? Oakes already deceived me on the road. I understand he was under orders, but what other surprises will be thrown my way?”
“You’re correct. You don’t know me or what to expect.” Jaden kneels at my feet. “I vow on the names of my ancestors to protect you and be as honest as I can be.”
To swear by his ancestors is no small act, and I’m baffled at his behavior. “Why would you promise me anything?”
“I believe you deserve to feel safe, and I hope this grants you that feeling.”
I swallow down the tears welling in my soul. “Thank you. You are a blessing.”
Jaden’s violet eyes flare with curiosity. “You fascinate me. You’re so open with me about your thoughts and feelings. You say what is on your mind and in your heart.”
I see his intrigue and realize he thinks I’m strange. “Is that bad?”
“Not at all. It’s refreshing.” He sighs, sitting back on his heels. “Please, forgive me. I can only imagine what you have been going through. I want you to know I would never force myself on you… or anyone, for that matter. I was about to pull the prince away from you, then you found your voice and told him to stop. I had only just sensed that you no longer wanted his… attention.” His head hangs low. He gazes at me through his long, dark lashes with a look of remorse. “From the beginning, I was opposed to the prince’s proposition. I argued, but I should have done more to stop him before he—”
I hate that he’s taking on the blame. “Thank you for saying that, but this isn’t yours to take on. I was curious to experience a male’s touch. So, I said yes, in exchange for my freedom.” I squirm uncomfortably at the thought of what it might have felt like for the prince to bring me pleasure and a release. “But I don’t want to think about it anymore.”
My face feels hot. All of me is overheating, fantasizing that Jaden might have been more gentle with my body.
He sees my discomfort and asks, “Are you alright?”
“Am I allowed out of this room? I feel cramped in here. It’s too stuffy right now.” The talk dredges up conflicting feelings of nervousness. Now, I need to know how Jaden’s hands would feel exploring my body. Would he have an electric touch like Oakes or the sensual touch of Eldrin?
“I can take you to my quarters.” Jaden adds quickly, “Myworkspace… so you can pick out some books. How does that sound?”
I nod, excited to see more of the castle.
Jaden takes my hand, and I notice his is unusually warm. My fingers skim his calluses from what must be hours of sword practice. His strength is obvious in his muscular arms. Even though he holds my hand gently, I know he could crush my fingers into dust if he wanted to.
Jaden stops abruptly and holds my hands up to his face to inspect. He curiously traces his fingers over my palm—over my calluses. My pulse quickens as another wave of warmth spreads throughout my body.
“Your keeper made you work hard.” He watches me fidget under his scrutiny. “I see the evidence of repetitive chores.”
I try to pull my hand away, feeling self-conscious.
“You are stronger than you appear to be, too.” Jaden smiles, then clasps my hand firmly. With his other hand, his fingers tenderly capture my chin and direct me to look into his eyes. “It’s not an insult. Once again, it’srefreshing.”
I relax into his touch and quirk my lips into a half-smile.
Then his scent wafts over me—reminding me of burning hot coals but with a hint of sugared cinnamon.
I inhale deeply, enjoying the scent, until I remember I should resist my attraction to these males. I will be burned by his hot coals if I let myself fall for him.
After our intense interaction, Jaden leads me down the castle halls until he arrives at a large wooden door with two guards outside. He acknowledges them with a nod, then enters his chambers.
I trail behind him, and the guards glare at me as I pass. I shiver with their blatant contempt.
Jaden unhooks his sword belt and hangs it on a rack by the entrance.