Page 35 of Between Realms

Afew hours after Oakes leaves, there’s a knock at the door. Without enthusiasm, I ask, “Who is it?”


I recognize his rough, deep voice. I appreciate he knocks instead of just busting in on me. “Come in.”

As he enters, a tentative smile graces his lips. “Wynstelle, I hope I’m not bothering you.”

“No. I don’t have much to do, other than patiently wait to entertain the prince again with my…novelty. I was just reading a boring book about Elven lineages I found in here.” I set the book aside to focus on Jaden. He’s far more interesting than what I’ve been reading. Besides, he has done nothing to betray me or use me… yet. And he helped to save my life twice already. “Please, call me Wyn.”

Jaden points to my abandoned book. “If you’d like, I can bring you something more thrilling. Perhaps a list of all the ways to watch paint dry?” He looks at me expectantly, then chuckles when my mouth breaks into a grin. “But seriously, just name your topic of choice.”

“Thank you, that would be nice, especially since I don’t know how much longer the prince will keep me trapped here.” I change the subject since I’m skirting traitorous talk, and I don’t know Jaden or what he might do to me. “What business brings you by my door? Has the prince requested my company?”

“No. I wanted to let you know I spoke to our kingdom’s patrols. They informed me they have dealt with the ghouls that attacked you. Strangely, their kind have become bold, and are killing and eating humans in the markets.”

“Yes, they should at least have the good manners of eating people in the forests,” I say with a sardonic expression.

Jaden chuckles, shaking his head, amused by my humor. My heart feels lightened having made him laugh.

“Did Oakes tell you that one almost had me for a meal while I was traveling alone?”

“He did.” He sobers and continues, “I have also received more disturbing reports that, in the recent moon cycle, the ghouls have been targetingmortalsthroughout the entire realm.”

I stiffen and lean forward, gripping the edge of my window seat. “Have the mortals been killed?”

“No. Fortunately, their Elven keepers were able to fight off the attacks… as we did for you.” Jaden scratches his chin. Just a bit of fine stubble covers his strong jawline, which is unusual for an elf to grow. Not that I’m looking. “I’m deeply concerned about their odd and troubling behavior. Being scavengers of death, they don’t kill to eat.”

I nod my agreement, this is what I understand as well from my reading. “The attacks on the road surprised me. Why do you think they are acting so strangely?”

“I don’t know, but don’t worry, I won’t give up my investigation.” He flexes his jaw, obviously frustrated by this puzzle. “I plan to visit our mage and ask if there could be some mystical influence involved.”

“Oh! A mage? You have one here in the castle?” I try, yet fail, to contain my interest by bouncing on the bench.

Jaden smiles as he watches my excitement. “She isn’t in the castle, but nearby. We call for her when her advice is needed.” He tilts his head, studying me more intensely than before. “Do you wish to meet a mage?”

“Me?” I flush with embarrassment. “I find mages fascinating, and I’ve read all about them. I’d love to see if my worthless human senses can perceive her power, but she wouldn’t meet with me. I’m just a lowly human servant and have nothing to give her as an offering.”

“Mage Neven might want to meet you. Mages aren’t usually as prejudiced as the elf who assaulted you at the tavern.” Jaden says, “When I secure an audience, I can ask if she will allow your presence. Would you like that?”

“Only if you don’t think it would upset her. Please, don’t press the issue. I don’t want to create any more trouble for you.”

“For me?” Jaden’s eyebrows knit together. “How have you been trouble for me?”

“First, you came to my aid with the ghoul attack, then the elf in the tavern.” I frown and pick my fingers nervously. “You were pulled into both fights on my behalf.”

Jaden’s laughter booms through the chamber.

I’m startled, then smile at the wonderful sound. He’s a very unconventional elf, but I already love how he seems so open with me.

When he settles, Jaden says, “Fighting is my trade. If anything, you’ve kept me employed. I would fight anyone to keep you safe.”

I grin again at his easy-going attitude, but my nerves rattle with what he’s pledged. Could he really care what happens to some human girl? “Well. Thank you for your service. Hopefully, I don’t cause anymore conflicts.”

Jaden gestures to the door. “Speaking of dangers, I posted a guard outside your chamber for your protection.”

“Or is it so that I don’t wander off and get myself into more trouble?” I cross my arms defiantly.

“Maybe a bit of that. Although, I appreciate a female who knows how to stir up some trouble.” He shrugs and runs his fingers through his raven-black hair. Then roguishly, it falls back over his forehead. “But mostly, I don’t want anyone to bother you.”