“It is a victory that he asked you to join him at his table.” Oakes tilts his head apologetically.
I frown when I realize the dress laces up in the back, and I can’t tighten it on my own. “I need help with the bodice,” I say with irritation, “But it’s no accident that I will need one of you to get me in or out of this thing, is it?”
“Oh,” Oakes sounds contemplative. “Most of the highborn Elven females that wear such an expensive garment have servants to assist them. We didn’t think of that complication.” He doesn’t look at me, but rushes for the door. “One moment. I will have a female servant assist you.”
“No, please,” I stop him. “It’s fine.”
Oakes pauses and turns to see me fussing with the dress. His smile quirks in a charming way at my frustration. I grimace that I still think of him as charming.
I spin so he can tighten the bodice and pull my long hair out of the way.
The room is heavy with silence, and I can feel his gaze on my exposed neck. After a long pause, Oakes lightly brushes my stray hair away from the lacing.
Goosebumps rise on my skin in response to his electric touch. I don’t want to be attracted to him anymore, but despite his part in the prince’s plans, he treats me better than any other male has. I can’t seem to forget the bliss of sleeping in his arms at the inn.
“I need a hair tie. I lost mine after the ghoul attack,” I blurt, and finger-comb my wild hair to distract myself from my thoughts about his naked chest.
“It looks better down, but I can find something for it later.” His large hands smooth down the waves I stir up with my fingers.
I allow him this touch since it feels divine to have someone play with my locks. “I will locate your pack and your hairbrush,” he offers.
“Thank you.” I settle down with the thought of him returning my few possessions. “Did you talk to him about my… contract?”
“Actually, he was concerned by your reaction all on his own and feels horrible for upsetting you.”
Is he defending his prince, or is it true? “How long does he plan on keeping me here?”
“I could not determine that, other than it will be after he believes he has made amends. And after he loses interest in the novelty of humanness.” As Oakes finishes lacing me up, his breath tickles the top of my head. He’s so close, yet my body wants to lean back and close that small distance.
Instead, I pull away and turn to face him. Finding it odd that the prince would even be interested in my novelty of being human, I joke, “So, just be my normal dull self, and I will be out of here today?” I quirk my lips into a playful grin.
“I hate to deliver the bad news, my mighty mortal, but you’renotdull.” Oakes smiles as he straightens the sleeves on my dress.
“I bet you say that to all the human slave girls,” I quip, but the humor falls flat on my own ears.
“You are not a slave—” Oakes protests.
“Technically, I always have been. Even after being taken from my keeper, I can’t leave until the prince has finishedexploringmy…novelty.” I glance down at my pronounced breasts in the bodice. “Now, at the very least, he wants to satisfyhisbruised ego. He doesn’t want to feel like he took advantage of my ignorance.”
Oakes cups my shoulders and says earnestly, “He realizes he pushed you too far yesterday.”
I almost laugh at my breasts,pushedtoward my chin. “But will he push again, only in a sweeter voice?”
Oakes presses his mouth closed, but I sense he isn’t irritated with me. We both know that my stint at the castle isn’t over yet. Perhaps the prince doesn’t have any ill-intent, but he’s accustomed to getting what he wants. And right now, for whatever bizarre reason, he wants me.
“Come along,” Oakes says through gritted teeth. “Your new shoes are by the door.”
Servants are placing platters of food on the solid and intricately carved dining table as Oakes and I arrive. I realize how hungry I am when I smell the delicious dishes. The evening before, a servant delivered a plate of food. Though I barely ate any of it, thinking about my folly in believing a sexual experience could ever be pleasurable for me. I’m not compatible with elves, and Merlara told me human men are brutes.
Oakes and Jaden wait for the prince to take the first bite before they begin. Fortunately, I am paying close enough attention to follow protocol instead of digging into the pile of food that Oakes dished onto my plate.
I keep my mouth shut since Merlara informed me to speak only when prompted by royalty. I desperately want to ask when I can leave Ryven, but the prince might keep me longer out of spite for asking such a thing.
“Wynstelle, you havenointerest in returning to the mortal realm?” Prince Eldrin asks, with genuine interest.
I consider my words, understanding this could be a trap of some sort. “To say I’m not at all curious would be a lie. However, I do not wish to live with humans. The fae realm blessed me with my very life, and Merlara is a kind keeper. It’s the only home I’ve known, and I hoped to live out my days there, helping her.”
“You don’t wish to have a family of your own?”