Page 32 of Between Realms

“It was never something I truly considered.” I shrug. “Until my summons, I assumed I would continue assisting Merlara until I died of old age. Hopefully, I wouldn’t become another burden upon her again when I neared my end.”

The prince raises an eyebrow. “It doesn’t sound as if your shortened lifespan bothers you.”

“It is what it is.” I half-smile. “If it weren’t for fae magic, I would have died as an infant. I was a sick foundling, and Merlara nurtured me back to health. The only sadness that I feel is for Merlara’s sake. She will—or would have—watched me fade to sickness again in my old age and then put me to rest.” My eyes well up with tears, thinking of home. Perhaps it’s for the best that she didn’t have to endure my end.

“You miss her.” Prince Eldrin’s eyes soften. “Did she care for you as one of her young?”

I clear my throat. “I suppose she cared for me as much as one can of someone not born of their flesh.”

“Bonds transcend flesh, do they not?” the prince asks.

I’m surprised by his insight. Perhaps he isn’t as clueless as he acted the day before. “Even as an outsider, I would give my life to ensure the safety of Elfhame. I owe Merlara and this realm my existence.”

Eldrin eyes me and takes a few more bites before speaking again. “I underestimated your depth. I’m truly sorry I neglected to see your soul and only saw you for what your body offered me yesterday. I have been known to be too…focusedwhen I want something.”

My face flushes pink when both Oakes and Jaden look up to stare at me, wide-eyed, as if I have just done the impossible. I can’t think of a response, and perhaps it’s better if I let his apology be.

Fortunately, the conversation veers to royal responsibilities with Oakes reminding him of the day’s docket. I’m glad to be out of the focus of attention for a bit.

Prince Eldrin sits back in his chair and pats his flat stomach when he’s done eating. “Would you like to join me for a walk around the estate?”

“That would be nice.” I quickly add, “Your Highness.”

“You can address me by my given name, Eldrin, when in a private audience with the three of us.”

I tilt my head in thanks.

Eldrin offers his hand, and I hesitate.

The prince frowns. “I won’t hurt you anymore. I promise.”

I take his hand, and a tiny zap of lightning shoots up my arm. Is that my own residual desire? Or his magic playing with me? Or is it the spark that poets write about for potential loves?

No, I remind myself that love will never be possible for me. If anything, Eldrin will seduce me into a taboo sexual encounter again and then send me away when he tires of my novelty.

That outcome is for another day though. Today, I will enjoy feeling alive and that someone enjoys spending time with me—not just having me do chores.

Eldrin leads me outside to the garden of his castle wing. My eyes widen as I glance back at the castle and then around his private garden. “Is thisallyours? Oh, I’m sorry.” I clamp my mouth shut and smack my face for good measure, realizing I broke royal protocol.

The prince catches my hand. “Please, don’t hurt yourself on my account, either. Go on, ask me anything and speak freely with me. I want you to be completely honest with me.Brutallyhonest, even.”

“But I’m just a—”

“Guest,” the prince interrupts. “You are my honoredguest.”

“Oh.” I blush. He really is enchanting when he wants to be. A faint scent of sandalwood catches my attention—Eldrin’s scent.

He cradles both my shoulders, locking me into place with his piercing blue eyes. “We can talk about anything. I would like to know more about you—” I tense, and he quickly adds, “—as aperson, your thoughts, your emotions, what makes you happy.Thisis what I ask of our arrangement now. Does that sound acceptable to you?”

What will it be like to chat freely with one of the most powerful people in the realms? For a brief time, I can imagine that I’m seen as having the status of a highborn elf. “I accept these terms.”

He gazes into my eyes. “So, what did you want to know?”

I relax under his firm hands, his warmth seeping into my soul. “This castle appears bigger than my entire village. Is this entire section of the castle and grounds just for you?”

Prince Eldrin offers his arm to continue our walk. He smiles happily when I accept by threading my arm in his. “Yes, but it is also for my advisors, staff, and guests.” He nods to the two males. “Oakes and Jaden both have their own private suites. We have created a bond, so when I take over the throne, I will already have trusted advisors and staff at my side.”

“Are theyalwayswith you?”