Page 29 of Choices

Decided, I call the contacts Amelia gave me and am unsurprised when they can't say enough good things about her.

People hire babysitters all the time. I can do this.

When Jack and Amelia return from the backyard, I gather everyone in the living room.

"Alright guys, Amelia here's going to babysit you while I go out with my friends." I want to ask them if that's okay, I need the validation that they'll be okay. But new Hannah sets boundaries with her family. Loving boundaries where she can recharge her battery.

Jack shouts with excitement. Viv slides up next to Amelia, peering up at her.

"Sweet!" Amelia shouts. "We're going to have so much fun together! Do you guys want to bake some cookies?"

Aiden and Viv perk up at the prospect of sugar, before heading into the kitchen.

"Go get ready, Mama. We've got it from here." She says with an easy wink.

I take a steadying breath in and out before heading back upstairs to get ready.

I have nothing to wear. I haven't been 'out' to anything that wasn't formal since before I got married. I'm not even sure where my makeup is.

I go through all ofthe clothes in my wardrobe three times before I say 'fuck it'. I throw a large cardigan over an undershirt and some yoga pants. I'm not going out to impress anyone, I'm going out for me, to have fun. I can do that in a cardigan as easily as I can in a dress.

A few moments later the doorbell rings again and Matty's voice comes up the stairs. I can't help the excited butterflies that swarm in my chest.

I'm really doing this.

Matty stands at the bottom of the stairs, looking as gorgeous as ever in a deep blue suit. He's got Jack's hands in his and crouches a little to let Jack step on his knee and flip over backward.

When he sees me, though, he crouches down next to Jack and whispers loudly. "Look how beautiful your mother is."

Jack looks up at me and beams. I can't help but blush. No one but my kids have called me beautiful in such a long time. My eyes pinch with grateful tears, but I shake them loose and walk up to Matty, giving him a grateful hug.

Matty pulls my body flush against his and my cheeks heat again. He's warm, and hard, and smells amazing. It doesn't take much for my imagination to strip us of our clothes. I'd love the feel of his naked skin against mine.

Whew. Slow down there.

All three men have shown interest in some form or another, but I'm still a married woman. And it's ridiculous to think the three hottest men I've ever seen would be interested in a curvy almost 40 mom. But when I pull back from Matty, there's nothing but heat in his eyes. And Ricostroked my ankle, which is not exactly something friends do.

At least those two are my age. Santiago's a good ten years younger than me. He could get any woman, even with his lack of speech. The man breathed sex appeal and danger. Any woman would be lucky to have him.

"You're chariot awaits," Matty says, dramatically bowing.

Matty hugs Amelia before we leave. "By Little Pita."

"Little Pita?" I ask.

Amelia laughs. "He's called my bigger sister Big Pita and me Little Pita since we were kids."

"Why's that?" Jack asks, always curious.

"PITA stands for Pain In The..." Matty starts, before looking at Jack. "Butt."

"But Butt starts with a B, not an A."

Matty chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "Sometimes it starts with an A, Little Man." He says and ruffles Jack's hair.

I give each of my kids a hug and a kiss and tell them to text me if they have any issues whatsoever and I'll come right home.

I'm still nervous about leaving them, but it would be really good to have someone to rely on if I want to do something like this more than once. And to have one more person in my kids' lives that they can trust.