Page 7 of Flawless Aria

As soon as she pulls out of the driveway, I grab my car keys and climb into my car. I’m so livid that everything’s a blur. My headache has returned with a vengeance, and I have no recollection of driving to Zander’s house or why I’m even here.

Until I storm inside and see his Louisville slugger leaning against the back wall.

Ah, now I remember.

Zander and Mel are frantic, but I tune them out, open the slider, and make a mad dash down to the lake with the bat clutched tightly in my hand.

As soon as I reach the shore, I grab the velvet box, flip the lid, and yank out that damn ring. I ignore the box that falls to my feet, then toss the ring in the air, and with everything I have pent up inside of me, I swing. Coming in direct contact with my target. Relief washes over me as I watch it sail about three hundred and thirty feet before a small ripple appears.

Now that’s what I would call the perfect home run.


Tryingto write when you’re not in the mood is frustrating. Some people believe that just because I’m a journalist I have all the words, all the time. Not true. When I decide to write an article, I do all the research I can on the subject first. Then I try piecing everything together with facts and what I’ve learned along the way. Somehow, I pull it all together and have an amazing career that I absolutely love. I’ve never taken a single second for granted because I’m doing what I love every single day. Going to work isn’t a chore, it’s an absolute joy.

Don’t get me wrong, I have my moments. Especially when it comes to dealing with all of my coworkers. Not all of them are friendly and I totally get it. Some are desperate to get their own column or move up the corporate ladder. They’d step all over someone to get what they want. I ignore them completely. Honestly, I only have a handful of work friends, but we never hang out on weekends. I learned the hard way that it’s best to keep my work life and personal life separate. Loose lips sink ships, and going out for a drink with any one of them could be disastrous. So we just chat and enjoy each other’s company from nine to five and then go our separate ways.

With that said, work would be flawless if the whispers eased up a bit. I don’t mind occasional gossip, because that’s a given. What I won’t tolerate is gossip that’s malicious and petty. Just because I’m not in a committed relationship doesn’t mean that I don’t know about love. I’m a Journalism major and I minored in Psychology so I’m more than qualified for the job. I also do tons of research, and I’ve interviewed over one hundred couples, learning what worked for them and what didn’t. Not all of them made it, but eighty-five percent of them did and that’s not bad odds.

Why does my mind drift to Jax as I reminisce about those couples? Maybe it’s because I spent the day with him, playing food charades and eating chip and dip. I find myself smiling as I recall him trying to stuff a whole damn pie into his mouth. He always did have a sense of humor; it was the reason I gravitated toward him even at an early age. We’re only four years apart, but back then when I was twelve and he was sixteen that was a huge difference. Not anymore. I’ve smiled and laughed so much today that my cheeks are hurting. I’m not complaining because it’s not a bad thing at all.

I’m startled when someone starts banging on my front door. Grabbing my phone, I get ready to call the emergency number when I hear Stephanie’s voice. She sounds really upset so I rush to the door. As soon as I open it, she flings herself into my arms. She’s trying to talk but I can’t understand her through her sobs.

“Take a deep breath. Breathe. I don’t understand a word you’re saying.” I close the door and lead her to the couch so she can sit. Her whole body’s shaking, and she’s so upset. The first thing that comes to mind is she got fired, or the new boy toy called it quits. What else would have made her so upset?

She tries speaking again and I could swear I hear Jax’s name in the jumble. Oh god. Did she drive by and notice my car was there? If so, why would she even care?

“What happened, Steph? Why are you so upset? Did something happen with Trent?” Tears turn into laughter and for a minute I’d say she’s losing her mind. No one can turn a switch off and on like that instantly.

“Not Trent. J-Jax.” I was right after all. I thought she mentioned his name through her sobs.

“I don’t understand. I thought you broke up with him.” I’m so confused until she sets me straight.

“I just left his h-house. I’d forgotten a few th-things and went to pick them up.” Turning to me, she grabs my hands. Oh no, here it comes. Holding my breath, I wait. “When he opened his s-safe so I could get my passport and jewelry, I noticed a velvet box that wasn’t m-mine.” A few stray tears fall, and she looks so sad. “He tried snatching it away, but I opened it and there was an engagement r-ring inside.”

Shut the front door!

“He could have been sitting on that ring for years, Steph. You have no way of knowing when he was going to ask you to marry him, if ever. Do you still love him?” It’s a question to an answer that I don’t necessarily want to know.

“A part of me will always love him, but I’m not in love with him anymore. I’m upset because had he asked me a few years ago, I would have said yes.”

“From the sound of it, I guess he did you a favor by not popping the question.” Somehow those words don’t bring her comfort because she starts sobbing again. “You need to calm down. I’ll get us each a glass of wine.”

My hands are shaking for no apparent reason as I open the bottle and pour each of us a glass. Truth be told, I might need this more than she does. I’ve no idea why I’m feeling guilty when I did absolutely nothing wrong. Jax and I spent the day together. Big deal. We had fun and enjoyed each other’s company.

I hand her a glass and sit next to her. At least she stopped crying, and fingers crossed this calms her down. I’ve never seen her this upset, and I can’t help wondering if she’s telling me the truth. Maybe she’s in love with both men and doesn’t know how to handle it.

“Thanks for the wine. I would have never gone to his house, but I needed my passport. Trent and I are leaving for Belize in a few days and there was no time to get a new one. I can’t believe he already changed the combination to the safe. Guess he doesn’t trust me.” Well, that’s a no-brainer.

To say I’m pissed is an understatement. “You should be grateful he let you in at all.”



After what happenedat Zander’s last night, I had to tell Melody the truth about what happened between Stephanie and me. I had no choice. Storming in the way that I did and grabbing the bat was the last straw. I scared the bejesus out of them, and they were pissed I woke up my niece Hadley. It wasn’t my intention, and I felt horrible. Poor baby girl.

Reliving that whole night again to my baby sister was emotional and tough. Funny how I always forget that she’s got my back. That no matter how much we butt heads, she’s always on my side. I’m no saint, but she agrees that Stephanie did me dirty. And I agree. Now all is forgiven and it’s time for me to concentrate on the new album and our upcoming tour.