Page 6 of Flawless Aria

“For what it’s worth, I had fun too. You get going and I’ll clean up the mess. Only fair since I opened all the damn bags when I knew all along we’d only eat our favorites.” Yeah, me too.

Move, Aria. Stand up and get your ass in gear. He gave you an out so what are you waiting for? I’m comfortable. I absolutely love the open, airy feeling in his house. It’s not huge but it suits him. “Tell me again why you renovated this old carriage house.” I never get bored listening to him recount his tale.

“I’d be happy to. Go get comfy in the living room and I’ll just put the bags away before the pies get stale.” When I try to help, he shoos me with his hand. I can take a hint.

Taking off my boots, I curl up on the sofa and stare up at the open-beam ceiling. Gorgeous. Behind me is his loft bedroom that overlooks the whole house. Brilliant. There’s a beautiful stone fireplace in the corner that’s so tall I get dizzy taking it all in. Breathtaking!



Aria stayed all afternoon.I invited her to stay for dinner, but she was adamant about working on her article. I get it. No one likes waiting until the dreaded Monday morning to get something done. Especially when she can get a jump on it during the weekend. I’m grateful she spent Saturday with me. She made me forget about my hangover and magically my headache disappeared. Even when she was younger, she could always make me smile. Even more so now that she’s all grown up.

I can’t help smiling as I throw a juicy steak on the grill. The sizzle and the smell has my mouth watering. I shouldn’t be hungry after eating all those pies, but my body craves protein. Meat. It’s exactly what I need to balance out all the sugar that’s in my system. I poke my baked potato that I threw on the grill earlier and it’s cooked to perfection. Grabbing my tongs, I set it on the top rack just to keep it warm.

I’ve always loved talking about how the carriage house came to be. When I was in high school and the band just started, I worked at the stable tending the horses. It was a great way to make money and still have time to practice since I basically made my own hours. Mr. Abernathy was a cool dude. We got along great. I was a senior when he fell sick. Cancer. I was taken aback when he mentioned he was leaving everything to me. Claimed he had no family worthy of such a place. He treasured it and knew I’d take care of it like my own. It was the greatest gift anyone has ever given me, and I’ll treasure it always. Thankfully, he had planned for the future and all four of his horses went to his neighbor a few miles away.

Being that I had no use for a stable, I decided to hire a designer. My vision was carried out to perfection, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else. The old farmhouse that belonged to Mr. Abernathy was converted into a garage, small studio, and gym. With plenty of storage in the basement. It’s way too much for a single guy like me, but it’s home and I wouldn’t change a thing.

When I slice into the steak and see that it’s medium rare, just the way I like it, I put it on my plate and add the potato. Let’s eat!

I’m three bites in and I’m a little embarrassed when I catch myself making weird noises. No apologies because it’s that damn good. A few more bites and the doorbell rings. Seriously? It’s very rare that I get company, let alone two visits in one day. So much for eating a hot meal.

I stride into the living room and open the door, not bothering to see who it is. Big mistake. Stephanie, my ex, is standing there. I stifle a groan because she’s the last person I want to see. Thirty minutes earlier and she would have seen her sister here. Care to take a wild guess how that would have gone?

“What are you doing here?” I’m very proud of myself for not saying what I wanted to say.

“I sent you a text.” When she tries entering around me, I grab her shoulders.

“I’m not glued to my phone like you, so answer my question. Why. Are. You. Here?” Her eyes go wide, and I swear they mist over. That shit don’t work for me anymore.

“I thought I had packed all of my things, but I’d forgotten my tablet, passport, and some expensive jewelry.” I’ve no doubt the real reason was the passport. Must be traveling with lover boy but can’t go anywhere without it.

You have no idea how badly I want to tell her too damn bad, but my mama didn’t raise me to be a jerk. So I motion for her to come in. She then gets upset when I follow her from room to room.

“I don’t need a babysitter. I’m capable of grabbing my stuff and then getting out of your hair for good.” Little does she know, she needs my help. But if she keeps pushing my buttons, I’ll show her the door.

After grabbing her tablet, she marches over to my wall safe and tries punching in the code. The red light flashes. Bewildered, she tries again. If I let her do it a third time, I’ll be locked out. When she lifts her hand to punch them in again, I wrap my hand around her wrist.

“Jax, I need my passport and jewelry.” Of course you do, sugar. “What’s wrong with the damn safe?”

“Why is it so important for you to grab your passport the day after you dumped me? Couldn’t wait a few weeks, you just had to rip open the wound again?”

Growling, she spins around with venom in her eyes. “I’m going on a work-related trip, if you must know.”

“I’m sure the boss needs to go on that work-related trip as well. Am I right?” What the fuck am I doing? Wearing my heart on my sleeve when I just want her gone!

In one swift motion, I spin her around, punch in the code, and open the damn safe. Next thing I know, her hand is reaching inside. She pulls out the black velvet box. No!!!

“What’s this? I know it’s not mine.” I try grabbing it, I really do, but it’s too late. She opens the lid and gasps.

“It’s absolutely gorgeous. What are you doing with an engagement ring in your….”

“Grab your fucking shit and get out of my house. Now.” I snatch the box, stuff it into my pocket, and get out of there before I lose it. At this point I don’t care if she robs me blind.

Not long after, she walks past me, wiping her eyes. Sniffling all the way to the door. “Jax, I’m so…”

“Out. Don’t ever step foot on my property ever again.” My heart’s racing and I’m so angry. But the worst part is she ruined the amazing day I spent with Aria.