My girl looks at me with so much sincerity, my heart breaks. “I can’t go to the penthouse, Caleb. I just can’t. Too many memories.” Ah, of course. I didn’t think this one through.
“Ralph will drive all of you to the penthouse. Margo’s there to let you in and give you whatever you need. Enjoy, and we’ll see you back here in a few hours.” Willow knows if she wants to keep up with the ruse, our only option is her room.
Placing her on her feet, I thread her fingers through mine and we follow the gang out the door. I know she wants to flee, but I won’t let her. And, as much as I want to be inside of her, that’s not why I’m here.
I open the door to my Benz as the limo drives off with all of her friends in tow. With a reluctant wave, she opens the passenger door and slides in. “What hotel are you staying at, love?” Of course I know. I make it my business to know where she is at all times.
“At the Roger Guesthouse. Room 245.” She’s quiet during the drive. I don’t bother with small talk. I just let her absorb everything. Good or bad, she’s stuck with me until the concert.
When I pull into the parking lot, I gladly let the valet take over. This time, I place my hand at the small of her back and guide her into the elevator. Once inside, she lets her feelings out with a vengeance. “I’m angry at you, Caleb. So angry. Just when I was starting to get my life together, you pop back in like a bad penny. Nothing’s changed since the last time. You should have just let well enough alone.”
Folding my arms across my chest, I look straight ahead. I can feel the clench of my jaw. I’m angry, but she’s right. Nothing’s changed. Cadence is my baby girl and always will be until I take my last breath on this earth. Tonight, she will meet her in one form or the other. It’s a dirty trick, but all’s fair in love and war.
This is war!
I don’t say a word when the elevator door opens. Nor do I when she walks out in the direction of her room. I let her think she’s going in there alone, but she’s not. I’ll be right behind her. She can run but she can never hide.
Not from me.
Swiping her key card, she opens it when the light turns green and I push it open with my hand. Like I’ve done before. “What are you doing?” she asks. “You can leave now. The pretense is over. I’ll meet you at the bar when it’s time to leave.”
Oh, how I want to take her across my knee and slap her ass for being so damn stubborn. Words are cheap, and I know she’s afraid to be alone with me because she wants to dive into temptation. My mission tonight wasn’t to fuck. It was to introduce her to my beautiful daughter. The only way she’ll truly understand. It will tear her apart, but it’s necessary.
“Willow, sit down!” This time I grab her hand before the impact.
“Don’t order me around, Boss Man. It doesn’t work like that anymore.”
“For Christ’s sake, sit down. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I didn’t come here tonight to fuck you or take advantage of you. I wanted to give you a gift.” It’s my turn to be nervous. This could backfire in my face. Again. It’s my last resort. Either I win her back, or lose her forever.
“Caleb, I don’t want gifts or fancy cars. Not even a Steinway, as much as I love that damn baby grand. All I want is trust and honesty. That’s all.”
“Good, because the gift I have is an old one. Nothing fancy or expensive. It’s just something I thought you might like to be reacquainted with.” I take the box out of my jacket pocket and hold it out to her. She looks from me to the box and her lip trembles.
“What did you do?” I don’t answer. I want her to open it instead.
I’ve never seen her hands shaking as badly as they are. It takes her a few tries to rip off the paper. Yes, I wrapped it. When the velvet box is revealed, she looks up at me. Questioning me. “Open it, love.”
And when she does, she sobs, holding it close to her chest. Like a long-lost lover.
“That’s the part of you that’s been missing for all these months. Brodie might not be here to place it around your neck, but I’d be grateful if you allowed me the honor. He will always have your heart and you will always have mine.”
She takes it out of the box and lovingly holds it in her hand. I can see the hesitation, and I expected that. It’s the look on her face when she realizes there’s another locket attached. “What is this, Caleb?”
“It’s my heart, Willow. The one that you hold in your hands. Whatever happens between you and me, I never want you to forget.” My breath catches when she opens the locket and meets my daughter for the first time.
Caleb knewif Iwere to see her beautiful little face, I’d fall head over heels in love with his daughter. And I did. She’s a fiery redhead with crystal blue eyes, and her smile is infectious.
Cadence’s picture is on one side of the locket and the other side is Caleb, holding her in his arms. A sweet smile on his face as he looks down at his baby girl. She’s looking up at her daddy with so much love and adoration in her eyes that it’s breathtaking. I’m overcome with emotion. This is a part of his life up until a few months ago I never knew existed. It just seems so surreal.
“You don’t play fair, Caleb. Now that I know what she looks like, it’s harder to let you go.” There. I said it. It’s out in the open and he can do with it as he wishes. I can barely survive on any given day, and I’m not down for a readymade family. Even if it breaks my heart.
“I didn’t get to where I am today by playing fair, love. And, you still have time to think about it.”
He’s so damn stubborn! This is one gift I’ll gladly accept, even though it’s been modified. With a deep, cleansing breath, I ask, “Could you help me with this?”