Two months later…
One city meldsinto the next as we play venue after venue. It’s been two long months since I’ve seen Caleb. I’d be lying if I said I never thought of him. He’s constantly on my mind, and he would be since he always leaves me thoughtful messages several times a day. I answer them when I have time, but I don’t embellish or hold a conversation. It’s too painful, and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get to the point where it won’t be. I know it’s inevitable that I’ll see him again. I’m okay with that since he’s my boss. I’ll deal with it when the time comes.
Lately, Trevor, Melody, and Ezra—he’s the drummer for their band—have been hanging out after shows. Nothing fancy, just playing video games, chilling, and unwinding before we go our separate ways. Ezra’s cool and easy to talk to. That’s about all I can handle right now, and it’s nice that I’m not the third wheel.
Lucas sticks his head in the door after a quick knock. “You ready to head out? Sound check in twenty, and traffic’s crazy.”
“Yep, just give me a minute.” Giving me a thumb’s up, he closes the door.
Tonight, we’re playing in New York. My anxiety is off the charts. I’ve told myself a thousand times that Caleb wouldn’t dare come to the concert, but then again, it’s Caleb. He could easily use the excuse that he just wanted to check in and see how things were going, and he’d have every right to do so. He wouldn’t do that, would he? Yes, he would, and that’s why I’m struggling right now.
Shaking my hands by my sides, I try loosening up. Doesn’t help. I go so far as to take deep, cleansing breaths, but all that does is make me hyperventilate. Oh my god, I’m blowing this way out of proportion. I need to get a fucking grip! All this because of a man? Yeah, it sucks, doesn’t it? That even after all of these months, Caleb still has a hold on me and won’t let go. Fuck this!
Grabbing my keys and phone, I slam the door behind me. Several heads swivel in my direction. “Everything okay, Willow?”
“Couldn’t be better.” No one’s buying it and I don’t blame them. “I thought traffic was a bitch, let’s get moving.” I can hear the snickers, and most likely they’re blaming it on the monthly thing but that is so far from the truth. If only it were that simple.
When they said traffic was horrendous, they weren’t kidding. We pull into the venue and we’re twenty minutes late. Now we have some hustling to do if we want to pull this off before the concert.
“Nice of you guys to show up.” Pete’s agitated. It’s understandable but it couldn’t be helped.
Lucas loves to bust his balls. “Better late than never, Pete. Either that or you could have scraped us off I-95. We thought being late would be the best case scenario and you idiots weren’t answering your phones.” They all stare at one another and drop it.
Way to go, Lucas!
We all take our marks and do a quick sound check. They make a few tweaks here and there, adjust a few sounds and in less than thirty minutes, we get a thumb’s up. All this fuss over nothing.
“We have a few hours to kill. You guys want to hang out here or is there someplace else you want to go?” They all look at me like I have two heads, but it doesn’t make sense to go back to the hotel.
Chills course through my body when I hear a smooth-as-whiskey voice right behind me. “You’re all invited back to my penthouse for a few appetizers and drinks before the concert.”
I knew it! My intuition is never wrong. All eyes are glued to the person behind me and I don’t need to turn around. I’d know that voice if I was blindfolded and there were a hundred men speaking. I’d gravitate towards it since it pulls me in like no other.
I spin around to confront him, but when I do, my heart’s in my throat. God, I miss him. Too damn much. “What are you doing here, Caleb?”
“I have concert tickets forThe Sinful Seven.They just so happen to be in my neck of the woods and they’re my favorite band.” This is awkward but not for the reasons you might think. Not one single person in this room knows that I called it quits. No one. Why? I didn’t want to spill the deets about Caleb’s daughter.
So, to all of them, they think this is an amazing surprise and have no idea why I’m not climbing him like a monkey. My dilemma is if I do, he’ll know that they don’t know. Ugh, he’s the bane of my existence!
Trevor’s the first to respond. “I do believe she’s in shock, Caleb. Sure was a great surprise.” I’d love to smack that smug smile off Caleb’s lips, but the only way I can is to fight fire with fire. In one jump, I wrap my legs around his waist and crush his mouth with mine. His instant erection rubbing against my core is payback enough right now. Only problem is, it’s hurting me just as much as it’s hurting him.
* * *
It’sevident by allthe looks on their faces that she never told them we were over. It gives me hope, but it’s soon squashed when she turns around and she’s livid. I knew she would be. Too bad, I’d do it over again.
I’m shocked but not surprised when she flings herself into my arms. Always the people pleaser. My heart soars at the thought that she never told anyone about Cadence. It makes me love her all the more.
When her lips meet mine, my cock instantly greets her. Desperate for her. She can deny this kiss all she wants, but she’s just as needy and hungry as I am. She loves me. I can feel her soul speaking to mine. She’s just afraid. Well, so am I, love. So am I!
“Damn you,” she whispers against my lips. Only for my ears.
“I love you, Willow. There’s no way in hell I could have survived another day without you in my arms.” Leaning her forehead against mine, she sighs.
“Maybe we could go to the penthouse and the two of you could go to her hotel room, just saying.” Guess who? Lucas, of course.