Page 27 of Passions & Peonies

How does this woman read me so well? “Thanks for understanding.”

“No worries.” She steps back and scans the helm. “You know, you’re not the only one who knows their way around the Hamptons. I spent a lot of summers there, out in big motorboats like this one. So why don’t you tell me all I need to know about driving one. Maybe the nautical world will be my next new passion.”I wish.“What are all these buttons and different dials for?”

“We could be here a long time for that. I’ll give you the very condensed version because we’ll be at our first destination in about thirty minutes. You’re going to love it. And then you can tell me about your time in the Hamptons. We’ll see how well you know it there.”

“You can test me later.”

“What do I get when you answer a question wrong?”

She sidles up next to me, her chest rubbing against my arm. “A lot more of these.” Her mouth closes in on mine, and my brain turns to mush. Once we part, I need a few seconds to see straight.

“I hope you fail.”

Chapter 12


The Baths on Virgin Gorda are breathtaking. Massive, black granite boulders sprout out of the crystal azure water, forming tunnels, caverns, and pools to swim through and in. I think I’ve taken at least a hundred pictures today.

“Why did we book for only one week?” Sky says, sifting sand through her fingers.

“Because we’d be broke if we didn’t.”

“It’s amazing, but I don’t think I could live here. I’d go stir crazy after a while. I need my Dunks or Starbucks on every corner and the noise of the city.”

“You’ll get plenty of Dunkin’ Donuts in New York. But you might think differently once you’re there through a sticky, humid summer. But it can’t be much different from Boston.”


We search through the shells where the shallow waves break on the sand. A large one catches my attention. I rinse it off. “Look, Sky. It’s shaped like a heart.”

“Cool. You can give it to Will when we leave on Saturday.” She winks at me.

“Give me what?” Will asks, strutting toward us. I shove it in Sky’s hand so he doesn’t see it.

“Just a shell. I threw it back in the water.”

I’d never get tired of looking at him. His sun-kissed skin emphasizes every toned muscle on his body. His angular cheeks and chiseled jaw are even more enticing today, but I don’t know why. Maybe because I saw him mostly in the dark last night. Not in the bright sunlight. The golden highlights in his hair sparkle like sand in the sun. How is he still single?

“Can I steal Lacey for a little while?” he asks. “Mike is manning the boat until we have to leave. Would you mind, Sky?”

“Not at all. Where is everyone else?”

He points in the direction he came from. “By the dinghy bar, of course.” We laugh.

“That’s where you’ll find me then. Have fun.” She strolls off.

“Is this okay or would you rather hang out with the guys from last night?” He cocks his head, approaching me like I’m his prey.

“Is that a tinge of jealousy in your voice? Are you the type?” I walk backward in step with him.

“Not usually. But that one guy has been eyeing you up like a piece of candy.”

“Well, I haven’t noticed because my eyes have only been on you. And if he doesn’t get it, oh well.”

“Come with me.” He reaches his hand out for mine. I twine my fingers with his.

We walk in silence until we reach a little secluded pool, hidden between some boulders. The water is a clear tanzanite blue. It’s magical.