“Up for a swim?”
“With you, of course. With or without suits?” I flirt.
“Don’t tempt me, Red. You’re becoming my biggest weakness.”
He helps me get past a patch of slippery rocks until we step down into soft sand. He wets his hands and drags them through his hair. Maybe it’s not a good idea to be over here alone with him. I’m going to need arctic water to control myself. My weakness for him is becoming too powerful. Do I have to behave?Hell no!
He walks ahead of me, then submerges himself into the water. I follow slowly because I’m afraid there might be a dip somewhere. Eventually I make it over to him, and we swim around playfully.
“Watch out!” he yells and points at something.
I screech and swim away. “Was there a big fish?”
He bursts out laughing. “No. I just wanted to scare you.”
“You’re mean.” I splash him the best I can.
“Well, there is a shark in the water and it’s coming for you.” He glides toward me, making the sound fromJaws.
“Oh, really. Sharks aren’t the problem. I’m scared of guys named Will.”
He stands in the water, but it comes up to his chest. He crooks his finger at me and flashes a wicked smile. At this point, I’ll do whatever he wants.
Once I’m close enough, he wraps me in his arms. My legs have a mind of their own again, because they’re already around his waist.
“Do you visit these places in your spare time? I can’t imagine having all of this just a boat ride away.”
“Sometimes. Mostly when family or friends visit or for business. I’m usually too busy running things in the background. Especially now, since we’ve been gone so long. I’m glad I have a team I can count on. This is not a normal day for me or Josh. We seldom run the cruises anymore.”
“Why are you here if you’re so busy?”
“Because of you, of course.” He gives me an extra squeeze. “I wasn’t sure I’d find you last night, so I figured the only other way would be to come on this trip.”
My heart is in my throat when he says things like this to me. “That’s a lot of effort for someone you hardly know and who’ll only be here a week. Less than a week now. You could’ve canceled since you saw me last night.”
“You said you have a lasso around your heart and it’s connected to mine, right? Well, I feel it too. I’ll take any amount of time with you. Work will always be here, but you won’t be.”
My heart is melting, and I know I’m falling for him. Is it real, or is it just because we’re in this perfect, romantic place? Leaving on Saturday will be the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do. But he lives in the Hamptons half the year.
Would I really want a relationship with someone who is only in the States six months out of the year? That wouldn’t work for me.
“You’ve spaced out on me.” He rubs his nose against mine. “I hope you’re having fun.”
“I’m having more than a great time. Want to know what my favorite part has been so far?”
“The dinghy bar?”
I shake my head.
“The snorkeling?”
I raise an eyebrow.
“I give up.”
“Liar. You know exactly what I’m going to say.” I rub up against him.
“Don’t do that, or you’re going to get in trouble.”